Corinne Low Profile picture
Mostly in the other place--join us! Economist @Wharton; Co-founder @openheartsnyc; 🏳️‍🌈
Sep 28, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Very relevant to the current debate over marriage spurred by @kearney_melissa's work, my paper with Jeanne Lafortune is out today in AEJ: Applied! We try to ask *why* marriage rates have declined so much for less wealthy individuals. 🧵…
Image We show a series of policy changes eroded the relative contract strength of marriage compared to non-marital fertility. Without a strong contract, people couldn't harvest as much value from marriage to make jointly optimal, but individually risky choices, such as specialization. Image
Oct 6, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
~12 years after I first started the project, I'm relieved to have the two halves of my job market paper on "reproductive capital" both accepted at journals!! A dating experiment showing men rate older women lower (pic) at JOLE and a matching model and simulation at the JPE 🧵 Profile Age on X-axis and Ratings on the Y axis, shows a dowProfile Age on X-axis and Ratings on the Y axis, shows an up 1st, the experiment, the precursor to Incentivized Resume Rating! To separate age from attractiveness, income, and other factors, I wanted to randomly assign it. But how to provide incentives for rating fake profiles? Professional dating advice customized based on their ratings!
Nov 25, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
I am hyperventilating--IN NORWAY.
I would love for someone to visit Rikers Island and claim it has beneficial effects for mental health. And I want to be very clear that I am not critiquing the underlying paper, as I have a firm stance on not critiquing students/JMCs publicly. Yes if you use incarceration as an opportunity to connect someone who has gone off track to services and tratment, it could be beneficial. If your incarceration system has been designed to perpetuate the slave state and punish above all else, then no.
Sep 14, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read
I need to tell you all the story of what this incredible advocate did last night. We marched to the front door of Gracie Mansion to deliver our "notice of transfer" to the Mayor. Advocates made the reasonable request that Harmonia resident Michael personally deliver it to Gracie. Recap: The day started with painting "Stars of Hope" to hang at The Lucerne where homeless individuals were being displaced to 31st st, in turn displacing a specialized shelter serving disabled families. We marched to 86th and East End, rallied, then to @NYCMayor's front door.