I work for Google on Chrome. I say this so I can discuss web stuff without appearing sneaky! My opinions and Google's are quite at odds.
Dec 9, 2022 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
15 kids have died from Strep-A infections in the UK in the last few weeks. RSV has put massive numbers of kids in ICU in UK and elsewhere. Some people say this is just "immunity debt", a rebound in numbers after social distancing. Others says it's also immune damage from COVID.
@apsmunro (who blocked me long ago) pointed to Japan in 2021 as an example of immunity debt in action.
It's a graph of 2021 (Tokyo BTW, not Japan). It makes sense that after almost 0 RSV in 2020, 2021 has a big spike. In that sense immunity debt is real.
Intro to far-UVC air-cleaning from a non-expert.
Ultraviolet light has been used to sterilise objects for decades and has been used to clean air in rooms since the 1940s, with TB being a big driver of that.
It's called UR-UVGI - upper-room UV germicidal irradiation.
That kind of UV light is harmful to humans, causing "sunburn", skin cancer and cataracts. That's why it's "upper room", you shine it away from the humans. Of course that means you have to wait for the bugs to float up there to kill them. Warm air rises, so they do get up there.
Jul 1, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
China with the far-UVC. I don't know how long it's going to take them (I'm guessing under 5 years since Beijing said another 5 years of zero). They are coming out of this pandemic with clean air and a healthy population.
Japan's National Institute for Infectious Diseases published an epidemiological investigation showing long range airborne transmission on a plane. It occurred in Mar 2020. It was published in Oct 2020 in Japanese only.