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Product discovery & development platform + AI.
Jun 14 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 3 min read
New week, new (feedback-driven) release πŸ‘‚

We have crunched the numbers and this update ranks #1 all-time based on the weighted feedback.

The previous record belonged to the introduction of formsΒ β€”Β here's what's topped it ↓ Image 1/ Automatic access for assignees, owners, etc.

Instead of assign-share, assign-share, assign-forget to share and block a colleague for a day, configure automatic sharing once and forget about it.

Works for any user relation apart from Created By (coming later) and supports extending access to linked items, incl. via custom access templates.
Jun 6 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
New week, new (normal) release! 🎈

1/ Insert new rows and columns faster

Previously, you had to aim at the cell's context menu, find the right action and click. Repeat 20 times. Curse a lot. Meditate.

Now we have + buttons with keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl + Option + ↓↑→← 2/ See older entity history via infinite scroll

Previously, we used to show only the N most recent events in Entity history without even hinting that there are more 🀦

Now there is an infinite scroll so you are limited only by the strength of your middle finger.
May 23 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
New week, new (diverse) release 🦚

1/ New notification design

The affected Entity gets to its rightly deserved prominent position and the vague "made changes" gives way to specific actions.

Scanning the inbox should be quicker now. Image 2/ Feed View: multiple DBs and post width

Visualize several Databases on Feed View even if their rich-text fields have different names.

Use the screen space wisely by customizing the post width.

Reminisce about the good old 00s design that we've replaced.
May 16 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
New week, new (modest) release 🐭

1/ Hide empty groups in Lists and Tables

Make your hierarchical views more compact by removing empty groups.

By the way, you can do the same for columns and rows on a Board. 2/ Use Whiteboard without tears

We have fixed a 2-digit number of Whiteboard-specific bugs for this release, so the experience should be considerably more pleasant.
May 9 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
New week, new (double)-release! 🍻

We've got an experimental feature and 15 (fifteen!) quality-of-life updates for you.

1/ Smart Sections (experimental)

Organize the sidebar not just by Spaces but by Products, Clients, and Teams β€”Β turn any Smart Folder into a Smart Section. 2/ Groups in Table and List Views
(no longer experimental)

Group rows by a select, workflow, or relation field. In combination with levels, this allows you to visualize pretty much any hierarchy.

If you find an exception, let us know :) Image
Apr 25 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
🐎 New week, new release!

1/ Groups in Table View

Previously, Table View had only levels β€” now it also has groups. This means you can go crazy with visualizations like these:

Objective β†’ State β†’ Epic β†’ Feature β†’Β Team β†’ Story

(enable the feature in the Experimental Lab) Image 2/ Display existing context Views in Smart Folders

Previously, we determined which context Views to show in which Smart Folder implicitly and few people (incl. ourselves) understood the mechanism.

Now it's straightforward: what Views you select to display, those you see. Image
Apr 18 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
🧢 New week, new (quality of life) release

1/ Move fields to entity view's main section

Keep related fields together, no matter their types: for example, put a button that generates a description next to the content it produces.

Works for both 2-column and 1-column layouts. 2/ Wide rich-text tables

No more picking between readable text and informative tables. Now you can resize a table beyond the usual text boundaries, even in narrow doc mode.
Apr 4 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
πŸ₯‚New week, new release!

1/ One-column Entity View layout

Move fields from the right to the top of the screen for a simpler Entity View. Works best for smaller DBs with <10 fields on the right.

Extra useful if you work with multiple panels on a laptop screen a lot. 2/ Resizable relation Views

Take as much horizontal space as you need for your beautiful relation Lists, Boards, and Timelines.

Works for both 1-column and 2-column layouts.
Mar 28 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
🐣 New week, new (teeny) release!

1/ Wide elements in rich-text Fields

Last week we limited the Entity View width for a better reading experience.

Turns out, not everybody loves blank spaces like @taylorswift13 so we've allowed resizing images, videos, and embeds beyond text. 2/ Icons on Board View

Rows and columns now showcase your hand-picked emojis in addition to names. Image
Feb 22 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
🎁 Another Thursday, another bunch of updates!

1/ State Types

Previously, only people with a computer science PhD could figure out how to make a state appear as final.

With state types, the prerequisite is gone: drag'n'drop a state into Finished and see the done cards go grey. Image 2/ Resize lanes on Timeline

If you need more space for the names, make the lanes section wider.

This is the first tiny improvement in a series of tiny improvements for the Timeline View. It has longed for love for a while and we'll give it some.
Jan 18 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
πŸͺ© New week, new release!

1/ Entity permissions

Experimental no more, available for everyone!

Share individual records with people in your workspace, and include linked stuff as well:
- Product with all its Features and Bugs β†’Β PdM
- 1:1 Meeting β†’ attendee Image 2/ Exclude Database from search results

Auxiliary and companion items like Countries and Time Logs make search results messy.

Remove them for all users of your workspace for a better search experience. Image
Nov 17, 2023 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
The new permissions have taken us almost 2 years to figure out.

"TWO YEARS?! How so?"

The technical challenges are a story for another time, but here's a short thread about the product ones.

Access management is hard for any complex software, but what about a no-code tool? Most traditional collaboration tools have a stable data structure:

Jira: Projects, Epics, Isuees, Sprints
Hubspot: Company, Contact, Ticket
Asana: Teams, Projects, Tasks

It makes it possible to define how access is inherited ahead of time while designing a permission model. Image
Nov 16, 2023 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
🎁 New in Fibery!
Take a deep breath...

1/ Entity permissions (experimental)

Share a task or a feature with someone who has no access to Space.

No groups and no external users yet, but have to start somewhere. Fibery twist: you can extend access to linked entities.

For example, share a Project together with its Tasks or Feature with its Stories and Bugs.

Extension works for all one-to-many relations. Image
Aug 10, 2023 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
πŸ‘―New in Fibery

1/ Semantic search

While regular search expects you to remember the exact words you used in a card's name, semantic search deduces the meaning behind your query.

Instead of juggling keywords, try describing the essence of a card to semantic search. Image Semantic search also works great when you are not sure if a card even exists.

Check out how we link customer feedback to a relevant Insight ⬇️ without even typing.
Jul 27, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
πŸŽ€ New in Fibery!

1/ Insert :emoji: in docs

As πŸ¦‹ you ✨ can πŸ˜… probably tell, we are big emoji fans. And it makes us sad that some people never discover their Windows or Mac pickers.

That's why we've added a new keyboard-only way to insert an emoji: enter ':' and start typing 2/ Add column layout in docs

This was an experimental feature in the last week's update, and now (after some polishing) it's official.

Combine columns with embedded Views to create compact dashboards or simply rearrange thoughts in a feature description. Image
Jul 13, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
πŸ’Ž New in Fibery!

1/ Pick icons for Entities

Your workspace deserves to shine and broadcast your vibes.

Pick emoji icons not just for Views and select options, but also for regular entities. This works best for tag-like things like categories, teams, and countries. Image 2/ Search comments

Let's just ignore the fact we haven't indexed the comments before πŸ™ˆ Image
Jun 22, 2023 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
✨ New in Fibery

Historically, we have largely been about POWERRR, not necessarily aesthetics or ease of use.

Now we are course-correcting a bit ⬇️ Image 1/ Pick a custom View icon

It could be either a vibrant emoji or a stylish icon. You've been adding it before the name anyway, so we've just made it official.
Jun 9, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
✨ New in Fibery

1/ User who triggered Rule or clicked Button

Now you know not only what changed but also who changed it.

Use this knowledge to automatically assign people and teams or to restrict certain workflows. Image 2/ Action Buttons β†’Β Buttons

The old purely scripted Action Buttons have been a great proof of concept.

Now that we've incorporated all their functionality into the new Buttons, it's time for them to go.

First time in a while that we are REMOVING something from the product πŸ₯² Image
Jun 1, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
🎈 New in Fibery

Nothing shiny this week, just the quality of life improvements.

1/ Custom success and error messages in scripted Buttons

Don't leave the one who clicks a Button in the dark about what's just happened β€”Β add a couple lines of code to explain the result. Image 2/ Copy the value of one select Field to another in automation Formulas

Previously, this was possible only with a script. Now that we've remembered that we are a no-code tool, here we go πŸ˜…

We match options by name, so you don't have to worry about "type mismatch" errors. Image
Apr 21, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
πŸ’… New in Fibery!
This week it's quality of life improvements.

1/ Breadcrumbs on Views

Have you found yourself a bit lost after you open a Fibery link a teammate has shared with you?

No surprise with all the context Views, Folders, and nested docs.

Breadcrumbs to the rescue! Image 2/ Enforce relation filters

Some filters are merely suggestions, while others are more strict.

For example, interns shouldn't be assigned as Reviewers and Stories shouldn't be linked to an already planned Sprint.

The new toggle helps you to achieve just that.
Apr 14, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
✨ New in Fibery!

1/ Advanced filters

Combine AND and OR in the same filter: add nested filter groups to get just the items you need.

For example, select not yet finished cards that are either mine or unassigned.

Now you can safely retire those workaround formulas. Image 2/ Advanced color coding

The same idea applies to colors: they are not limited to a single condition anymore.

🟠 Due date is tomorrow AND (Task is assigned to me OR I am the owner)
πŸ”΅ Allocation > 50% AND Allocation < 75% Image