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7-Figure Amazon Seller - 400+ free guides on YouTube - 51k+ Free Discord - Source smarter with @SellerAmp
Mike Profile picture Axe_49 Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 26 11 tweets 3 min read
I spent over $50,000 on shoes this month

I'll sell them on Amazon and make $17,000+ in profit

Most Amazon sellers get stuck finding their FIRST product

Here's how to do it ASAP: 🧵 Image People think you need to be a genius or have a ton of money to sell on Amazon

I started when I was 18 with $1,500 to my name & grew it into my full time gig

If I were to start all over, here's what I'd do:
Jan 26 12 tweets 3 min read
Need a side hustle that actually works?

I've tried a lot of them...

Amazon FBA is the best

Here's your starter guide to making $4k/mo profit: Image Amazon selling is simpler than you think

There are tons of name-brand products people already want to buy

Don't create a new item, sell big brands like Nike, Olay, and LEGO

Stuff like this shirt that you buy for $10 and sell for $25 Image
Jan 19 12 tweets 3 min read
$1 books made my first $100,000 online

Your local thrift store is a gold mine

It's the best side hustle you can start for $100

Here's how to get started: 🧵 Image Reselling books on Amazon isn’t complicated

You can find some for as little as $0.25 selling on Amazon for $15+

My best find ever was a $1 nursing textbook I sold for $300+
Jan 1 13 tweets 3 min read
New Year's Resolution that you'll actually want to stick with:

Starting Amazon FBA.

You can turn it into a $100k/mo business by the end of the year

Here's the step-by-step game plan: Image Amazon reselling is a lot simpler than you think

There are tons of name-brand products people already want to buy

All you have to do is find Nike, LEGO, Revlon, etc cheaply

Stuff like this shirt that you buy for $10 and sell for $25 Image
Dec 27, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
If you’re broke, don’t get a job

Buy used books

Here’s how: 🧵 Image I started my business with $1,500. I was broke.

After a year, it was $30k in true profit, all by reselling used books at thrift stores

It’s a simple business model:
Dec 19, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
You should be making $3-5k/mo selling on Amazon

You're just missing a good game plan

Follow these steps for free: 🧵 Here's an insane stat:

About 1 in every 5 dollars spent online goes to third-party Amazon sellers (you and I)

You just need to sell items already in demand to get your cut, no ads needed
Dec 18, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
My Amazon business sold $138,311 the past 7 days.

I didn't buy a single product, my team did.

Most Amazon sellers suck at delegating.

Here's a free crash course: Image I started with $1,500 5 years ago.

Items like this helped me turn that into a 7-figure business

I sell products like these shoes I found on sale for $100 selling for $186 Image
Dec 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Ugly truth:

Most Amazon sellers hit a wall & can't scale

Here's how to tackle the hurdles holding you back from $100k+/mo: 🧵 The first $10,000 on Amazon is harder than the next $90,000

Keep this in mind when things are difficult at first

Otherwise you will fail to change your life
Dec 4, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
If you have $1,000 and a discount store like this nearby

You can shop to make $100+/hr

Here's how: 🧵 Image These discount stores often charge 50% or less what the price is on Amazon

But Amazon customers are willing to pay up for the conveneince of staying home
Nov 21, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
It took me over a year to sell my first $100k

It was HARD to find the right info & community in 2018

These are the 5 biggest things I changed to scale to $100k every 2-3 weeks: 🧵 Image New sellers these days have it great

I've made it my goal to help you cut at least a year of learning curve that I had to go through

And the community is better than ever

But with so much actually decent info out there now, focus on these:
Sep 8, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
There are over 250 million products to sell on Amazon

But 99% of them suck

Follow this checklist to easily find winning products: 🧵 Image Most people think you need to reinvent the wheel to sell on Amazon

But brand name products already sell well

For example, this makeup:

-Buy for $24 from the brand's site
-Sell for $47
-Profit $12 each time it sells Image
Aug 15, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Amazon arbitrage is the best way for anyone to take $1000 and grow it to $10k/mo profit

This thread will be your complete guide to starting and scaling (including free video guides)

Amazon course in a thread 🧵 Image So here's the business model...

We buy name-brand items from sites like Walgreens and sell it on Amazon for 2-3x what you paid

So why don't they just buy it themselves?

We use coupons, cash back, bulk, and more to get it CHEAP

Plus people are lazy and want it in 2 days Image
Aug 10, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Think you found a good product to sell on Amazon?

Here's your full checklist to make sure it is a true winner

Save yourself thousands by bookmarking this thread 🧵 Image After $4M sold on Amazon, I've made every mistake in the book...

Pull the trigger if you find an item that meets all of these criteria

1/ Profit - at least $3/unit & 35% ROI is a good place to start

Always plug it into @SellerAmp to get a detailed fee breakdown Image
Mar 29, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
There's a LOT of data to look at when you're trying to find an item to sell on Amazon

These are the simple and important things we look for in a winning product 👉 1/3 VOLUME

Is the item actually gonna sell??

Do quick check on @SellerAmp to confirm the sales velocity (2606/mo in that first example)

You'll also want to reference the sales rank from Keepa

If it is below 100k, you're usually good to go
Jan 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I spend $3,000+ on inventory every day to flip on Amazon

These are the 3 most important things I look for

Use this to scale your business to $100k+/mo ->

//a thread 🧵 1. Ease of purchase

The side of OA you won’t hear as much about

If you find an item that’s amazing, but the site only lets you buy 10, it doesn’t matter

You should have a list of sites that don’t cancel your orders

Then figure out how to maximize your margin on those sites
Jan 28, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
One of the most common questions I hear:

"What types of products should I sell on Amazon??"

Here's what I would do if I was starting my 7-figure Amazon business over again ->

//a thread First off, nearly anything sells on Amazon

Anything from 3 packs of soy sauce, to used DVD players, to a new pair of shoes

Often, the best course of action is to start in whatever niche you're interested in
Jan 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Stop overcomplicating selling on Amazon

This exact $40/mo strategy helped me sell over $1.8M on Amazon in 2022

Do this today to build a profitable business in the next 60 days ->

//a thread 🧵 The vast majority of my business comes from name-brand products

No need to create an entirely new product and work with Chinese suppliers

And there are plenty of other sellers making money doing the same thing

But here’s why that’s a good thing
Oct 20, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
How to source your first products to sell on Amazon

If I had to start all over again, this is what I would do to reach $10k/mo ->

//a thread Image 1/3 Get ungated

Many new sellers quickly realize they aren’t “authorized” to sell anything

You’ll need an invoice for 10 units from a wholesaler like Frontier Co-op

Get an invoice for a couple categories (grocery, beauty, etc) and start from there
Oct 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I've sold over $1.4M on Amazon in the last year

But this business only takes me about 2 hours a day to run

Here's how + my plan to cut that to 30 mins a day ->

//a thread Quick disclaimer: Amazon is NOT easy or passive

Be willing to work really hard now so that you don't have to later

Here's what you should be working on as you grow:
Oct 8, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I’ve sold $1.4M on Amazon in the last year

It completely changed my life, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows

These are the ugly truths that most “gurus” would never tell you ->

//a thread 1/3 You won’t get rich overnight

It took me a little over a year to sell $100k

Probably made less than if I just found a good job

But now, I sell over $150k a MONTH

Jobs don’t scale like that, remember your long term vision
Oct 6, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Q4 is upon us - the absolute best time of year to be an Amazon seller

Last year, Q4 permanently grew my biz from $25-50k/mo to $100k+/mo

Here's how you should prepare ->

//a thread 1/4 Stay Focused

During Christmas time, everyone will start talking about selling toys

Especially if you are a beginner, this can be a trap

Don't switch the focus of your entire business during the busiest time of year