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#1 karina specs truther
9 subscribers
Feb 14, 2023 42 tweets 21 min read
a behind closed doors outtake — heart’s promise for the second time. Image
— finished puzzle. Image
Dec 30, 2022 410 tweets >60 min read
— met you by chance
a winrina / jiminjeong au

whereupon frances who despises relationships wakes up inside a multiverse version of her after a car accident— all entirely unaware that the version she’s within is in a romantic tie-in with a girl named nadia. Image
— notes: Image
Oct 15, 2022 39 tweets 15 min read
— found it in the city of love
a #winrina / #jiminjeong one-shot

who knew that someone whom would change your vantage point about love— is someone you don’t have any thought of? Image…
Sep 25, 2022 1293 tweets >60 min read
— behind closed doors
a #winrina / #jiminjeong au

wherein ivory— a kindergarten teacher, ends up tutoring her first love’s daughter, her first love— kendra who left her without not even a single word five years ago. ImageImageImageImage — notes:
- this will be in taglish (expect flawed grammar and errors)
- like, rts and qrts are so much appreciated
- feel free to call me out if ever
- social media and narration
- nevermind the time stamps :’)
- pure fiction
- no specific time for updates ><

enjoy !