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Compound investor. PF +155% 2019. On a meticulous, data-driven search for 10-100 baggers. “Buy right & hold on” $APPS $AMD $TTD $TDOC
SpudChip Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 5, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
I’ve been in the markets for over 10yrs, and made many early mistakes. But I see so much rubbish ramped on Twitter, without justification for why it’ll reach the moon, so here’s my method to quickly evaluate and spot profitable, quality, fair-valued companies. It starts with Revenue (also turnover or sales) – I’m looking for stable and ideally growing Revenue. It’s an important start, but tells you little in isolation. I could set up a shop selling £10 notes for a fiver and have lots of sales, but no profit…