Gary Fineout Profile picture
Reporter with POLITICO covering Florida who also tweets and functions in an evolving multimedia world.
Mar 1 5 tweets 1 min read
Here's something for your 25 session radar: A higher education bill sponsored by @michellesalzman & @AlexisMCalatayu was filed late this week. Lots of changes to note but here's the 1st big one: It repeals the records/meeting exemption for the hiring of university presidents ... The legislation also would remove the ability of the Fla Board of Governors to ratify the selection of new university presidents. That would now be the sole province of university boards ...
Feb 27 5 tweets 1 min read
Jason Pizzo may leave his mark in Tallahassee. But not the way you may think.
via… The Senate Democratic leader, now one of the wealthiest members of the Legislature, last year put together a deal putting him in control of prime downtown Tallahassee real estate located right across the street from the Capitol.
Feb 27 5 tweets 1 min read
Two GOP Fla House representatives want to put a constitutional amendment on the 2026 ballot that would eliminate the position of lieutenant governor ... a post that was created as part of 1968 Constitution bc of what happened in the 50s when Gov. Dan McCarty died in office ... This amendment (HJR 1325) proposed by Reps. Sirois and Synder would also weaken the power of the governor when it comes to decisions made by the Fla Cabinet
Jan 26 4 tweets 1 min read
Several GOP Fla legislators are privately frustrated about Monday special session because they say they have been unable to fill any bills so far. The House system is not accepting bills at all so far while none of the ones filed on Senate side have shown up as of yet ... but.. A spokesperson for the Senate said that they had bill drafting staff in place until 7 last night. They did not come in today, but will be in place tomorrow. Also no one has called the Senate secretary to question what's going on ...
Jan 14 5 tweets 2 min read
so a little process 101. Legislative leaders said they don't want a special session this month. @GovRonDeSantis made it official though and filed the session proclamation last night. What happens now? Well ... Legislators will be required to show up for the special session on Jan. 27. But then what happens next is the big question ... Legislators could theoretically gavel in the special session, read the notice from governor ... and then vote to end he special session ...
Nov 14, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
There's some interesting chatter coming out of DC regarding the resignation of @mattgaetz & Congress with House Speaker Johnson suggesting that @GovRonDeSantis could call a special election and maybe CD 1 could be filled by January. Well, that could prove a tad difficult ... Florida law has various deadlines regarding qualifying, primary elections and general elections. For example, Fla requires separate primary & general election. It requires advertising before qualifying, overseas ballot deadlines (which is imp in Gaetz' military-heavy district)...
Oct 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Circuit Judge Angela Dempsey dismissed with prejudice a lawsuit filed by @senpizzo challenging @MyFDOT ads on marijuana. Pizzo lawsuit contended ads were designed to urge voters to say no on Amendment 3. Dempsey ruled that Pizzo lacked standing to bring case & ... Dempsey, who previously ruled that @GovRonDeSantis had executive privilege on records, also contended the lawsuit failed to state a claim. FWIW - the law firm that defended FDOT is same firm representing people trying to get Amendment 4 tossed from ballot
Aug 8, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Fla @GovRonDeSantis announces that he will award $8 million to Miami-Dade County to help pay for a roadway that will serve Miami Freedom Park, the stadium under construction that will be the next home of @InterMiamiCF .... DeSantis notes that Fla doesn't offer $ directly to sports franchises. Well .... actually ... Fla previously approved payments for several sports stadiums/facilities and some of the payments are still ongoing
Aug 8, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Florida to tear down historic property as part of security boost for DeSantis… Budget amendments available online show that that in the past year, the state has spent nearly $2.6 million to purchase three pieces of property near the mansion as well as related appraisals and other costs
Aug 1, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Late this afternoon @theACC delivered to @AGAshleyMoody more than 200 pages of records including agreements btw the conference & @espn There's chunks of the records that have been redacted bc the ACC asserts they are trade secrets ... For example, the ACC blacked out such items as the definition of "conference territory" as well the amount of $ ESPN was obligated to pay the conference. The docs date back to 2010 and include several extensions, new agreements ...
Jul 26, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
A federal judge permanently shut down a significant piece of Florida’s so-called Stop Woke Act on Friday, delivering a devastating blow to a signature law pushed by Gov. Ron DeSantis to restrict workplace trainings about race. by @ALAtterbury… Passed by the GOP-dominated Legislature in 2022, it expanded state anti-discrimination laws to target lessons over subjects like “white privilege." But Florida has never been able to enforce the "anti-woke" law for businesses due to legal challenges
Jul 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
And now for a little bit of Tallahassee-centric political content ... A PC getting into the thick of this year's city commission races has sent to Democratic voters a mailer that attempts to link @JackPorterTLH to Republicans such as Trump and MTG ... Image Porter did get aid from Republican-linked PCs back in her initial run for city commission. But Porter and fellow city commissioner @JeremyMatlowTLH represent the progressive wing of the city commission often at odds w other Democrats on commission
Jun 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
And that's a wrap. @GovRonDeSantis has finally acted on all the bills from the 2024 session. Among the final batch DeSantis signed was a contentious bill on short-term loans that one of his allies @GovGoneWild Sen. Blaise Ingoglia said was akin to legalizing loan sharking The bill that DeSantis signed that raises interest rates on loans passed the Senate on a 21-18 vote & several Republican legislators in opposition
Jun 27, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
During press conference @GovRonDeSantis was asked about veto of $26m in cultural/arts grants. He said he did it because some money would have gone to "inappropriate" outfits such as the "Fringe Festival" & the Legislature needs to "reevaluate" how's that done ... background .. The Legislature sets aside money for projects that go through a process that includes evaluation by a council appointed by the governor/Legislature. The Sec. of State - also appointed by governor - also reviews list before it goes to Legislature…
Jun 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Seeking clarification but it looks like @GovRonDeSantis may have vetoed nearly $57m used to pay for support services for the entire Florida Legislature. The aim may have been to wipe out a study dealing with credit card fees being paid for out of this line item. But still.. Legislature is evaluating the impact of this veto. But the 57m DeSantis vetoed is used to pay for lobbyist registration, IT for Legislature, legislative auditors, the Office of Economic and Demographic Research, joint committees ...
Feb 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
A hearing scheduled this morning in the Washington Post lawsuit against the Fla. Dept of Law Enforcement & @GovRonDeSantis administration was scrapped this a.m. after Judge Angela Dempsey recused herself ... Dempsey was supposed to hold a hearing on a request by FDLE and the gov office to shield a handful of top aides including Alex Kelly, who had been the governor's interim chief of staff, from being deposed in the lawsuit. A hearing on the underlying case was scheduled for April
Oct 6, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
DeSantis' chartered jet trade mission around the world cost nearly $1.6 million via @politico Enterprise Fla. said only private money was used for mission that included use of 2 chartered In a summary about the mission Enterprise Fla asserted that it needed to use charter jets for DeSantis' trade mission that included stops in Japan, S. Korea, Israel and U.K.
Aug 2, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The president of @FloridaState tells board of trustees that without a "radical" change of revenue distribution FSU needs to "seriously" look at leaving the ACC FSU President McCullough says he and other top officials have spent the past year looking at "every possible option"
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Breaking: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has severed his connection to his long-standing state political committee and the tens of millions of dollars that it now controls, a step he needs to take ahead of a presidential campaign.… Control of Friends of Ron DeSantis has shifted to State Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, a key ally of the governor in the Legislature. DeSantis is no longer listed as a person associated with Friends of Ron DeSantis, which has close to $86 million in the bank
Jan 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
In today's Playbook I outlined how the administration of @GovRonDeSantis has been pushing for a court to recognize executive privilege even though it has never been recognized previously - a move that would shield records and questioning of admin officials ... Attorneys representing the governor have been pressing the concept of executive privilege in several cases including ones dealing with redistricting & the migrant relocation program to name a couple ...
Dec 10, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Fla Leg releases bills for next week's special session on Friday night 3 days before the bills have their first hearing .... In essence, the taxpayers will continue to bail out insurers, rates will likely go up for a lot of folks in the state, and insurers will avoid lawsuits The changes will be major for the more than 1 million Citizens customers - many of them in South Florida - including making it easier to force customers to leave Citizens and pay higher rates with other carriers