Prone to uncontrollable fits of calm. I've seen your bravery, and I will follow you there.
May 12, 2020 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
Feb 11, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The Greek trireme was a welterweight ship compared to what both sides brought to bear at the Battle of Actium. Augustus, whose victory would crown him as the undisputed emperor, had a force primarily composed of quinqueremes, or five row ships. This design allowed…
The Romans to exploit their infantry strength even at sea, as each ship would carry a large contingent of marines and a spiked boarding device.
Feb 11, 2020 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
One of the best to have ever done it. A man that made the brits seethe. A man who united his countrymen and his clansmen under the umbrella of defense. The Poet, the General, the Hajj, the Hafiz, the Sayyid: Mohammed Abdullah Hassan or as the brits called him: the Mad Mullah
When the scramble of africa was occuring, there existed a faction of Somalis lead by the Mad Mullah that would resist the british attempts to take over their land. They called themselves dervishes -- borrowing the name from their sufi faith
Nov 14, 2019 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
I was a denizen of Newfag Era /b/, and it has occurred to me that much has been lost as to the spirit of its time. Now that its time has passed, I would share it with you, in the hopes that some of it may be preserved
The quintessential aspect of back-then /b/ was how closely, fervently, nigh-impenetrably safeguarded the culture was. I’ve got you guys mostly figured out, but it took months to comprehend just WHAT I was looking at half the time
Nov 1, 2019 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Seems there's still some commie-Oriental mysticism shrouding the Chinese economy. But I've crossed the language barrier, flicked the light switch, and as it turns out, the monster isn't scary. So let's unmask this villain! Whaddya say, gang?
For starters, China hasn't held a competitive advantage in labor costs nor workforce size in over a generation. In fact, the Middle Kingdom is inhaling droves of immigrants from SE Asia. A Bangladeshi indentures himself in Malaysia and ends up in Guangzhou. Many such cases!
Oct 7, 2019 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
Much of the enjoyment of playing old games is in being held to old game standards as a player, little things like "you can only move in exactly 4/8/16 directions," or "ok this part of the animation is gonna look dumb, just bear with us here"
Remember when our beloved publishers decried We, the Gamers, as entitled? They were right--it's that they were looking at the software improvements, and we were looking at the money-to-product-quality ratio
Oct 6, 2019 • 27 tweets • 5 min read
Have had a recent uptick in ongoing projects, so I'll try to keep up with them in bits--first, some thoughts and notes on The Shining in general and Jonnys53's blog in particular
Here's his link just in case
Any discussion of this nature must tread lightly in a certain way: Between it being a Kubflick, a novel adaptation, a horror movie, and a natural vector for late 20th century schizophrenia culminating in that awful documentary from a few years ago, it's a touchy subject
Oct 5, 2019 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
Man Final Fantasy X really was a special game
Came out before linear, story-driven "cinematic experiences" had prescribed types to them, so it got to go nuts with the concept, unimpeded by expectation
FFX also wears its late 90's, early 2K future-optimism with pride. Heaven is a homogeneous post-scarcity technoscape that plays hella sports brah, did you catch the game?, Hell is distinct ethnostates with medieval era level of tech all cartoonishly ensnared by religious dogma
Oct 5, 2019 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I'm not sure how well-known this is, but it's worth repeating anyway: Men don't hit their peak physical potential until their early 30's, and it tapers off very gradually from there
Powerlifters, bodybuilders, and even athletes who aren't too busted up by then tend to be at their very best at this time
Sep 30, 2019 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
The cool part of evoking the terms of traditionalist social structures is, the comparison as insult would be bidirectional, if they only knew what we are
You will not be remembered as this thing wholly apart from the time, and the distinction will be erased entirely very quickly after your death
Sep 27, 2019 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Any intrepid man must find a mentor for sex, as with any learned skill. You will cherish her among your finest teachers. It's important, it affects the way you carry yourself
Same goes for violence--find a man who can call from within himself the spirit of death-bringing, learn his visions and affectations