I am @flancian@social.coop in the Fediverse Profile picture
SRE at Google by day; Chaotic Good Rogue at #Flancia by night. I like the #Fediverse and #Bluesky. See also: https://t.co/iocdxeuIiO, https://t.co/06KohP5tdE.
Jan 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
is [[hofstadter]] in [[twitter]]? a beautiful thing of writing like this is that you can see the [[past]] at the same time as the [[future]] -- the recursive step adds a [[time]] delay
Apr 14, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Good morning, all!

Today is a free day for me, like all Wednesdays this quarter (except when oncall).

I'll use pomodoros to try to advance through the list of everything I want to do today, posting about them in this thread.

How are you today? To begin with: one pomodoro of reading Notes on the Synthesis of Form. I need to read pages 83-134 for a reading club session tonight (forgot about it until today, ha).
Mar 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
In bolo'bolo, education is decentralized and peer to peer. There are no standardized tests; titles are seen as arbitrary. In this context, "university will become universal". Perhaps [[Flancia]] is more of a [[Sumi]] nowadays in my mind. ImageImage
Oct 31, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
@s5bug If you use [[wikilinks]], when the Agora works (soon?) people will be able to see your note with that name when they click on such a link anywhere. @s5bug Even if you don't write a note there, you are allowing people to click on it and "see what happens".

Stuff surfaced can be both notes and whatever the Agora users pick from around the internet.

It's like social crowdsourcing of opinions, comments, knowledge.
Oct 31, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The Agora v0.5 is built around the idea of publishing our notes following some conventions:


Poll: what is a good "default path" to store your notes in? A good default strengthens the convention. In this directory you'd store Markdown files, one per note. Go link: flancia.org/go/agora-path-…

Please share to those interested.
Oct 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
An Agora is a goal-driven social network built around a cooperatively maintained distributed knowledge graph.

flancia.org/agora for the idea.
flancia.org/go/agora for one implementation I'm working on. The Agora does not exist yet. The Agora has always existed.
Aug 31, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
One of the best things about following people freely (I follow 1.7k people, have way fewer followers) is that it allows me to effectively implement ranked follows by hand. Twitter should support this natively, but this is what we have.

I think the approach has some merit.

This is how it works: whenever I see someone that looks interesting, I check their account quickly for obvious red flags (it's important to define those well, but that's likely outside the scope of this thread) and I follow them.
