mike dalessio Profile picture
Mostly tweets about gummi bears. Pronouns: he/him. Superpowers: none (yet). I'm a Rubyist doing things at @Shopify
Jun 28, 2022 16 tweets 10 min read
Today feels like a good time to step back and appreciate how exciting a time it is for Ruby.

Imma tweet a bit about the amazing work being done by @ShopifyEng's Ruby and Rails Infrastructure team.

(That's the team I help lead! I'm so proud of them!)

1/15 Shopify is leading the work on an open-source incremental JIT compiler embedded into MRI.

YJIT v1 landed in Ruby 3.1, and a much improved version will be in Ruby 3.2.

Read more from project lead @Love2Code at shopify.engineering/yjit-just-in-t…

Oct 13, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
Hey, world. I took a four-week break during August and feel like the luckiest kid in the world. I want to tell you about it. Benefit #1: I'm looking at my (work) world with new eyes. I didn't check email or think about the day-to-day for the entire time. It's like putting the first draft of a manuscript in a drawer for a year. You see things differently when you return to them after a break.