Sophie Fullerton Profile picture
Lecturer of international politics and human rights; researcher on conflicts and misinformation; @Columbia postgrad; words in @washingtonpost @IndexCensorship
Potato Of Reason Profile picture David Barer Profile picture 2 subscribed
Oct 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵:Since the ongoing slaughter in Syria has been largely ignored, it has been easy for disinfo actors to recycle footage from Syria & claim it’s related Gaza/Israel. Accounts claimed this video was Israel bombing Gaza. They are Assad airstrikes:

Known disinformation accounts have claimed this is Hamas targeting the airport in Tel Aviv. In actuality it is a three year old video of the Assad regime backed by Russia targeting civilians.

Oct 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Tonight, while sharing a stage with two former Russia-state media employees, Cornell West parroted the Kremlin narrative that NATO & US imperialism “provoked” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

This “Peace in Ukraine” event, hosted by CODEPINK, platformed zero Ukrainian voices. Recently @DavidCornDC wrote about West's concerning connection with Kremlin-backed activists and CCP apologists.…
Sep 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Here is MTG spreading Putin lies that Ukraine is harvesting children’s organs.

Kremlin disinfo was successful in obfuscating the truth when it came to Putin/Assad crimes in Syria.

The Kremlin is now trying to repeat its success with Ukraine through useful idiots like MTG.

How Russia won the “truth” battle in Syria and learned lessons for…
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
For years Susan Sarandon has used her large platform to promote pro-Assad conspiracists that claimed Assad never used chemical weapons.

She is now doing the same with Ukraine by promoting a pro-Kremlin outlet that has ties to Russian state-affiliated media. Image More information on who she is promoting:
Jun 12, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
The TikTok influencer has discovered occupied Ukraine.

A group of influencers from Moscow recently took a trip to Mariupol to pose next to rubble and film themselves feeding the locals.

Throughout their excursion the group pays homage to Russia for its “liberation” efforts. ImageImageImageImage The influencers also got the chance to cosplay as Russian soldiers and ride military tanks through the abandoned city streets.
Jun 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵: Since Twitters takeover accounts promoting disinfo and genocide denialism have been algorithmically promoted through pay-to-play.

While accounts archiving years worth of human rights violations have been suspended & journalists working in conflict zones de-boosted. Exhibit A: The removal of inactive accounts, many of which belong to detained political prisoners and deceased human rights activists and journalists.
May 26, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Since Roger Waters is trending I would like to remind you his politics and ethics have always been horrid.

During a concert in 2018 Waters smeared the White Helmets, a rescue group working in opposition held Syria, as “jihadists.”

As of 2018 the group had saved 114,000 lives Waters is regularly quoted by Russia Today due to his pro-Putin talking points. ImageImage
May 8, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
An example highlighting how atrocity denialism is a grift for those partaking in it.

Prior to working for the pro-Assad/Putin outlet The Grayzone, Maté publicly acknowledged Assad’s war crimes.

After getting hired Maté starts parroting pro-Assad/Putin conspiracies verbatim. ImageImageImage Another example:
May 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Here is convicted pedophile & Assad/Putin apologist Scott Ritter spouting Kremlin propaganda at a book talk in Saint Petersburg.

Despite being a pro-Putin propagandist Ritter continues to be invited to speak at “anti-war” events by groups like CodePink.
Ex-UN inspector gets prison in Pa. sex case
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Despots have utilized trolls/bots to silence dissent & disseminate disinformation.
The Kremlin has an entire agency dedicated to this activity. Now trolls, disinformation & alternative facts can get top priority with just 8$. How will this not be abused by authoritarian regimes? Infamous Russian Troll Farm Appears to Be Source of Anti-Ukraine Propaganda…
Aug 8, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵:For @washingtonpost I wrote about influencers flocking to Syria to whitewash a regime currently sanctioned for gross human rights violations. I also spoke about how these influencers are getting financial support from western companies.… @lonelyplanet contributor @janetnewenham had her Syria videos sponsored by @skillshare. During her trip to Syria Newenham made the claim that Homs was destroyed by other countries' airstrikes. The claim is obviously false since only the regime's air force was active over Homs.
Jul 18, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Very dangerous for @rustyrockets to platform & legitimize Aaron Maté to his 5 million Youtube subscribers. Maté is a propagandist whose entire career consists of covering up Assad/Putin crimes & has even admitted to passing information about Syrian dissidents to Russian officials @rustyrockets @rustyrockets
should consider platforming Ukrainians directly impacted by this conflict rather than an individual who has personally benefited from spreading misinformation for Putin.
Mar 25, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
In Context media is being widely shared, including being retweeted by big progressive groups like The Gravel Institute. Yet a closer look at In Context shows that it's being run by Richard Medhurst, a pro-Putin & Assad influencer whose worked for RT. ImageImage Since its creation Medhurst has been heavily promoting the account to his 100k followers while also appearing in In Context videos. A link to the In Context website shows the website's "under construction" page displaying a message alluding to Medhurst's direct involvement. ImageImage
Mar 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
With so much misinformation currently circulating the Ukrainian government must make sure they’re not spreading misinformation themselves - especially if it minimizes Russia’s crimes in Syria. Russia directly targets civilians in Syria & has killed 23,400+ while injuring 41,000+. The UN estimates that ok Syria 350,000+ have been killed. @airwars directly links Russia to 23,400+ of those deaths and 41,000+ injuries.…
Mar 19, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
This account is a good study for anyone interested in how Russian disinformation spreads in leftist circles. Rania used to be anti-Assad before getting a job at a Russian funded outlet. She now works for @BTnewsroom an outlet that seems to only hire former Russia Today employees. ImageImageImage @BTnewsroom In 2019 @CNN did a deepdive into Rania and her employers antics. You can watch the video here:…
Oct 5, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Thread on white nationalists, their love for Assad & how this relates back to Aaron Maté:

This year Maté went on a regime sponsored trip to Syria. The man who brought him to Syria is Johnny Achi. In 2017 Archi was interviewed about Syria on a podcast of a white nationalist. ImageImageImage ⚠️Trigger warning racial slurs:
During the episode that featured Achi. The host Nick Spero goes on an anti-Semitic tirade & screams about how he is removing his son from school so his son doesn’t have to interact with African American kids. For more context on Spero:
👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ImageImageImageImage
Sep 27, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This blatant lie got over 7,000 likes. NGOs inside Syria & internationally all acknowledge that Assad is responsible for more than 88% of civilian deaths. Assad has dropped more than 82,000 barrel bombs and has used chemical weapons 300+ times.

97% of causalities caused by barrel bombing was that of civilians NOT ISIS. Nearly 1 & 4 civilian deaths are children. Over 12,000+ children have died and millions have been left without an education because Assad has a habit of targeting civilian gathering places like schools.