Ric “el pony esponjoso” Profile picture
Breather, Thought Follower, Cereal Intrepreneur. Director of Dull Sculleries at the Institute for Lemonade Studies. I do other stuff too. 🖖🏻
Mar 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
To be abundantly clear, a thread 🧵

At no point have I ever met with and/or helped a law enforcement agency, or a government, or an individual, or a government agency, or a company, or ANYONE to trace Monero. /1 I remain willing and excited to point any requester in the direction of resources like the “Breaking Monero” series published by the Monero community and researchers, because I can do nothing beyond that. /2
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Imagine being so brain dead that you post this. If you want to track Monero then I recommend viewing the Breaking Monero series that the Monero community & researchers published:


This nonsense post is unsurprising, coming from a known scammer⬇️⬇️
Nov 10, 2020 17 tweets 5 min read
Recently, a largely incompetent attacker bumbled their way through a Sybil attack against Monero, trying to correlate transactions to the IP address of the node that broadcast it. Whilst novel in that it is the 1st Sybil attack of this sort, it was also quite ineffective. 1/n First off, this clumsy attack had no effect on any of Monero's on-chain privacy mechanisms (ring signatures, stealth addresses, confidential transactions). Additionally, it is important to note that this is an attack that you could execute against nearly every cryptocurrency, 2/n
Jul 3, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
PSA: clever new scam happening on Telegram, here's how it works. Scammer approaches victim (call them A) with an offer to sell some large amount of crypto at a good price - not unbelievably good, but good enough that you can make a bit by flipping it immediately. 1/ Scammer then approaches a friend of A, call them B, asking them to escrow the trade. Scammer then sets up a Telegram group with A and a fake B account, with no username / number visible but with B's username *as the bio* (which would fool most people that don't look closely). 2/