some nerd Profile picture
TFW haves thicc witch gf | Aspiring goth girl | Part time cowboy | Full time dead | Pronouns: call me whatever I'm trying to figure out myself
Sep 30, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Hoo boy it's politics time again

So apparently #AntifaDomesticTerrorists is trending with a video of masked people yelling at an old lady and calling her a nazi because she was headed to listen to a conservative speaker.

While I don't condone shouting at old ladies 1/? I do think it's kind of telling that this one video is sparking this kind of anger, while the 334 mass shootings so far in 2019 (of which most were committed by alt-right nazis) don't even faze the right.

It's almost as if the right adheres to an "Us vs them" ideology 2/?