Aoife Is More Than 1 Metre From You Profile picture
Impolite, eyebrow-wielding feminist. @IrlBi founder, @toganlabs by day. Would rather be roller skating. Just a Bosco, really. (they/them, grma) 💓💜💙
Dec 20, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
The most important thing about this, to me, is that Hamill is modelling the kind of behaviour that the likes of Jay Kay and G.L seem incapable of: stepping back, realising you've made a mistake, and owning it. The second most important thing is: when you do that, people see and acknowledge it.

You get so many saying "oh, you can't say ANYTHING or make ANY mistake THESE DAYS".

Those are generally people who haven't actively reckoned with their mistakes and owned em.
Aug 22, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
Hey, so I wanna talk a bit about dealing with existing in a time where we can see the planet getting, frankly, irreparably fucked befote our very eyes? Cause I know this is a thing that is pretty much constantly on my mind and it is HARD to manage to keep keeping on. I feel terrified. Depressed. Overwhelming grief. I wonder what's the point in planning for a future, if we don't know that we'll even have one? And paralysed by the immense scale of it all. It's the entire planet. It's everywhere we know life is.