Ambassador/director/trustee/author/poet/painter & speaker/moderator at global debates: democracy, human rights & sustainable growth multilateralist. 🇺🇳🙏
Jul 20, 2024 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
@SSnajaKljajic @zaklina_prva @SavoManojlovic @IVejvoda Many civsoc & environmental activists in Serbia are deeply disappointed with new MOU b/w @MarosSefcovic and Pres. Vučić on lithium-mining project, @Bundeskanzler Scholz & EU's @vonderleyen. So what next? Join EITI: 🧵1/12
EITI: the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, an international multi-stakeholder organisation, established in 2003, with governance structure that brings together member governments, corporations, and civil society. 🧵2/12
Oct 23, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
For an Irish audience: some scale perspective on Israel-#Palestine: pre-1948 Mandate Palestine (#Israel plus Gaza and West Bank) = 25,585 km2, marginally bigger than the Irish province of Munster, but with 14 million people. Munster has only 1.28 million. 🧵 1/5
All Ireland is more than three times the size of Israel-Palestine, but with only c. half the population. Sparse in comparison. County Cork is bigger (7,500 km2) than the nascent Palestinian state (West Bank plus #Gaza) 🧵2/5
Jan 22, 2023 • 21 tweets • 6 min read
🧵1/20: On Russia: “The Roots of Russia”, written by Dr. Lev Dobriansky (1918- 2008), a renowned Professor of Economics at Georgetown University, and former US Ambassador to the Bahamas, published, courtesy by (US) Naval Institute Proceedings-April 1963, tells us:
🧵 Dobriansky was US-born son of Ukrainian immigrants, staunch anti-Communist. Amongst nuggets that his article brings out, over a half-century ago, when Russia already dominated USSR, which in turn dominated much of world: Russians did not constitute a majority of the USSR.