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Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc. defends the environment and champions a healthy and just world.
Feb 21, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The federal government spends $9B on food every year.

The GHG footprint of those food purchases is equal to ALL of New Hampshire's energy-related emissions for a year 🤯

Here are 3 ways federal food purchasing could promote a more just, healthy & sustainable food system🧵 1) Shift to more plant-based foods

Meat & dairy create a disproportionate amount of climate emissions in our food system.

Shifting some food purchases to plant-based foods would reduce emissions, conserve resources, reduce animal suffering, improve health, AND save tax dollars.
Apr 26, 2018 26 tweets 15 min read
Follow along with Pruitt's Congressional hearing! #FirePruitt

📺:… House Commerce & Energy chairman @RepShimkus just said he doesn't want "ideologues"to run EPA.

Strange because that's exactly what Scott Pruitt is...

Apr 11, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
.@Interior is so poorly run that its Inspector General can't even tell whether @SecretaryZinke & staff are breaking the law.

“I am stunned by the level of incompetence."… Interior's IG looked into the mass reassignment of employees—many believe they were transferred due to their prior work on climate change, energy or conservation.