Foggy Anabasis Profile picture
All birds are American
Happy Warrior Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 29, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
The real questions are

1) why do we have an electoral system in which paid "helpers" can view other people's votes and handle their ballots?

2) Why do we rely on citizen journalists to investigate electoral fraud instead of well funded investigative branches? Here's an article on the 1931 (!) battles by Republicans in NY to limit voter fraud by Tammany Hall via (you guessed it) absentee ballots:…
Oct 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I suspect we're going to see a lot emotional incontinence today as ACB is sworn in.

Which will be the most popular literary device? Of those who complain primarily of physical maladies as a result of ACB's confirmation, which will be the most common diagnoses
Feb 29, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
Gather round and hear the

Tale of Two Universities
The Master-Slave dynamic in Higher Education Our first university is the University of Heidelberg, one of the most storied Universities in the world, founded in 1386, and home to 28,563 students. It is the oldest university in Germany.

It has 2,608 Academic staff and 1775 non-academic staff
Feb 20, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
Not many realize that when Czechoslovakia was carved out of Austro-Hungary, it was responsible for 3/4 of AH's industrial output. This tweet storm will focus on the economy of the Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. Probably the most famous large industrial conglomerates was Škoda Works, in Plzeň. Emil Škoda came from a wealthy family and studied mechanical engineering and then went on internships in France, the United States, and Prussia.
Jan 30, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Let's look at Uber. Before Uber, taxi drivers (which are also independent contractors), paid a gate, say $100 to rent the can for 12 hours. Then they got to keep whatever they earned, minus the $100, and minus gas. Minus bribes to the dispatchers, etc. This means some days cabbies would lose money. Some days they would make a lot. The introduction of Uber reduced risk, because Uber takes a percentage, say 30%. This percentage system rather than a gate significantly reduces risk for cabbies.
Nov 5, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Subtweeting the speckled toad because I want to rant. It's not that communist philosophy, such as it was, is the same as modern left philosophy, and thus us Eastern Europeans see similarities in *rhetoric*. Rather the similarities are in the type of social disease both represent For example, in EE, university admittance wasn't based on merit but on the merit + political points. If your parents were educated, that was a debit. If you were proletariat, it was a credit. If you were a party member, a bigger credit. Sound familiar?
Jul 15, 2019 31 tweets 5 min read
Today, at the #NationalConservative conference, Peter Thiel calls out four issues: Big Tech, Universities, Free Trade, War Big Tech:
Thiel questions how much of a real gain Big Tech has created for us (recalls joke that "We were promised flying cars but all we got was 140 characters")