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May 11 11 tweets 5 min read
I thought this was an interesting question, so I compared the islands and starboard sides of the Shandong and Fujian more closely, and realized that this was indeed a interesting design of the Fujian. 1/11

Let's look at the Shandong first. It can be seen that the island of the Shandong is almost on the far right side of the hull, and the flight deck barely extends to the right of the island. 2/11 Image
Nov 26, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Fujian was confirmed to have begun electromagnetic catapult tests, and considering that some more people who have not been consistently observing the progress of China's carrier catapult research will be shocked, I will add some historical information. navalnews.com/naval-news/202… The first clues to appear in satellite photos were along the Huangpu River on the southern outskirts of Shanghai. The 06/2008 photo shows a test site with a catapult trajectory feature being constructed.

Mar 6, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Following the AB in Tianheng not long ago, another suspected AB under construction has been discoved along the coast southeast of Qingdao. This base is much larger than Tianheng AB (11 km² vs 4.5 km²) ImageImage 2/5 The new AB is located near the town of Dachang, only 35 km from Yuchi Naval Base, home port of CV16 Liaoning, and about 80 km from Qingdao. Image
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
More photos of the Chinese team from Edelweiss Raid 2023. The 3rd photo should be Camp Lizum at the Lizum/Walchen military training ground. The Chinese team trains in the Alps at the Lizum/Walchen military training ground before the race. The race should be held on March 1-2.
Feb 21, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
A new airbase from nowhere?
Very occasionally, I spotted this new military airfield on satellite photos that appeared on the coast of Tianheng Town, about 65 km northeast of Qingdao City. ImageImage The new base is about 4.5 km2, with most of the runway completed through reclamation. It's unclear when the work started, but 04 2020 photo shows that the demolition of civi buildings on the site has been completed. And the reclamation can already be seen from 09 2020. ImageImage
Feb 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The CN team participating in the "Edelweiss Raid 2023" mountain warfare race arrived at Innsbruck Airport on a Y-20 transport aircraft. 24 teams from 9 countries will take part in the two-day competition at the Walchen/Lizum military training ground in Tirol, Austria.
Jan 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Rather than boosting my confidence in wargaming, this explanation makes me fundamentally suspicious. The logic of these points makes absolutely no sense. 1/7 The first point only shows that the public data may be closer to the actual data than before, but it has no way to show that it is more accurate than the classified data and can replace it. 2/7 Image
Oct 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The photos of the Crimea Bridge have caused shock in the Chinese architectural community. Such a design could certainly not be approved in China. Not only is its double T-beam structure severely under-strength, but it also minimizes the use of materials, resulting in a severe lack of lateral stability of the bridge.