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Jun 7, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The Supreme Court is poised to step in and put a spotlight on one of the Left’s most potent legal weapons...
How do we know? Their entire dark money-backed syndicate is showing signs of collective panic:…
The Supreme Court met yesterday for the first time over the question of whether or not to hear an appeal of an activist-driven climate lawsuit out of Hawaii.
The plaintiffs are seeking billions of dollars from major energy companies, using public nuisance lawsuits — money that will, undoubtedly, be used to force fundamental changes to what we can buy and how we consume energy.
JUST IN: The Supreme Court is currently considering taking up an activist-driven climate lawsuit that could radically reshape our nation.
The case, if left unaddressed, would allow activists to force Progressive Lifestyle Choices™ onto people nationwide.…
The Hawaii Supreme Court set the stage by blessing a bizarre climate lawsuit out of Honolulu — that would allow rogue blue state officials to use "public nuisance" lawsuits to attack almost any company or industry over the "climate crisis."
The war by the Left against basically everything in the name of the climate is getting preposterous...
Their latest target? Meat.
It won’t be long before they lob a public nuisance lawsuit along these lines to try and bankrupt the meat industry.
This is why we've been talking about public nuisance for the last year. Because public nuisance lawsuits are a weapon that the left is using to reshape our society.
Can’t stop people from buying gas or meat? Claim gas and meat are a "public nuisance."…
AFC has a new report on the “Shady Eight,” 8 shady law firms that generated $15 million for left-wing campaigns with YOUR tax dollars with the help of government contracts.