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Dedicated to ensuring that consumer protection efforts benefit everyday consumers, not just class action lawyers and government bureaucracy.
Jun 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
The Supreme Court is poised to step in and put a spotlight on one of the Left’s most potent legal weapons...

How do we know? Their entire dark money-backed syndicate is showing signs of collective panic:… The Supreme Court met yesterday for the first time over the question of whether or not to hear an appeal of an activist-driven climate lawsuit out of Hawaii.

The plaintiffs are seeking billions of dollars from major energy companies, using public nuisance lawsuits — money that will, undoubtedly, be used to force fundamental changes to what we can buy and how we consume energy.…
Mar 30, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
JUST IN: The Supreme Court is currently considering taking up an activist-driven climate lawsuit that could radically reshape our nation.

The case, if left unaddressed, would allow activists to force Progressive Lifestyle Choices™ onto people nationwide.… The Hawaii Supreme Court set the stage by blessing a bizarre climate lawsuit out of Honolulu — that would allow rogue blue state officials to use "public nuisance" lawsuits to attack almost any company or industry over the "climate crisis."…
Mar 5, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
The war by the Left against basically everything in the name of the climate is getting preposterous...

Their latest target? Meat.

It won’t be long before they lob a public nuisance lawsuit along these lines to try and bankrupt the meat industry.

🧵… This is why we've been talking about public nuisance for the last year. Because public nuisance lawsuits are a weapon that the left is using to reshape our society.

Can’t stop people from buying gas or meat? Claim gas and meat are a "public nuisance."…
Dec 18, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Last week global elites like John Kerry gathered in Dubai to decide what Progressive Lifestyle Choices™ they would force on the rest of the world.

When that many hypocrites full of hot air gather in one place, it’s going to create some wacky headlines.

#COP28UAE Image First from the @DailyCaller (and not the @thebabylonbee) “UN Climate Summit includes session on ‘Responsible yachting.’” #COP28UAE…
Jan 24, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
🚨 NEW: Report: State Contracts Boost Dem-Linked Lawyers, Not Consumers

Major Update on the #ShadyTrialLawyerPipeline via @SusanCrabtree… AFC has a new report on the “Shady Eight,” 8 shady law firms that generated $15 million for left-wing campaigns with YOUR tax dollars with the help of government contracts.…