✨@foundbysara on insta Profile picture
(she/they 🏳️‍⚧️) artist, zinester, and accidental wrestling fan. I love easily. 🌈♿✨
Nov 8, 2023 27 tweets 10 min read
ranking the Minnesota state flag submissions based on how menacing their loons are:

The ladyslippers-as-spots lure you into a false sense of security, but that glinting red eye can’t be hidden


3/5 terrified walleyes Mn state flag submission, loon on white and blue background. I would die to protect her


1/5 terrified walleyes, 5/5 in my heart Mn state flag submission, loon on white and blue background, riding low in the water
Sep 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
okay so

we're staying at a hotel by the ocean

and there's this dark blur outside the window and something goes SPLAT and I'm like oh no did a bird fly into our window?

reader, no.

it was so much better than that.
Aug 17, 2022 20 tweets 3 min read
I think I want to talk about this a little post pandemic-onset, I interact regularly with very few people. I knew almost none of them before March 2020. We all live in Minneapolis.
Aug 15, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
May's zine was about neighborhood agates! Photo of a small scene. The... Lake Superior agates are the state gemstone of Minnesota. Brought down by the glaciers, they are common enough to be easily spotted in asphalt or concrete.

Here are some from my neighborhood. Lake Superior agates are th... photo of an agate with the...
Jun 29, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read

35W is under construction. 35W has always been under construction. Your friend’s mother says she remembers driving the entire stretch once, long ago. You don’t believe her.

a squirrel tries to make eye contact with you. You know better than to acknowledge it. It’s Monday, and the mayor is wearing a blue Henley and a baby. It’s Tuesday, and the mayor is wearing a blue Henley and a baby. It’s Wednesday, and the mayor is wearing a blue Henley and a baby. How many identical shirts does he have, you wonder. How many identical babies.
Jun 28, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
eugenics isn't a fun "gotcha!" to celebrate or joke about if you don't see the eugenics part yet, I can help.

it's wrapped gently in "financial and emotional stability," neutral-sounding qualifiers that seem harmless on their face

now think about: who decides what constitutes financial and emotional stability?
Mar 31, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
okay so a neat thing about QUENCH is that it's an extant causative form of a word that no longer exists in English! to understand what's going on here, the first thing we need to establish are causative verbs

A causative verb is a verb that, well... causes (or makes!) something.

For example, if you ELECTRIFY something, you make it electric. If you UGLIFY something, you make it ugly.
Mar 29, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
does anyone have some good sovcit drama for me to read please or maybe something about that libertarian town that was taken over by bears
Oct 24, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
wrestling announcer: she’s kick-drunk

wrestling announcer: get it, kick-drunk?

wrestling announcer: like punch-drunk, but she was kic—

OTHER wrestling announcer, tersely: yeah, kick-drunk, got it, jr the young man talking right now just cited Christopher Jericho as the original source of the phrase "shut the hell up"

I admire his dedication to citing sources but I'm not sure this is accurate
Oct 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
just got an unsolicited text, and i gotta say if this is a scam

it is the single most targeted scam in the world To continue earning rewards, complete your registration to t why yes, i WOULD like to join the loyalty program for my hometown's niche local pastry bakery
Oct 21, 2021 43 tweets 7 min read
my dad mailed me an envelope of dirt with no explanation and i am losing my mind over it this feels like a test and i don't know the answer!