Francisco mercado Profile picture
Private Investor, researching and following the money. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. Language: austrian economics. Religion: respet others. #BITCOIN. SEE PINNED TWEET
May 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1-Thread about why the rate hike is inconsistent, short-term and above all a bet to undress the queen faster! Image 2- Growing deficits since the gold standard was abandoned Image
May 11, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1-Hilo de por que la suba de tasas es inconsistente, de corto plazo y sobre todo una apuesta a desnudar la reina mas rapido! Image 2- Deficits crecientes desde que se abandono el patron oro Image
Nov 5, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Estamos lejos aun de ver sesgos de hiper como en el 89 pero los graficos muestran aceleracion. Aca pongo una proyeccion para 2023 y dejo graf para q comparen 88/91 con 2017/2021 (ambos graficos analizan inicio devaluacion desde 17 Aus. vs 17$) Periodos 88 al 91 vs 2017 al 2021
Nov 2, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
#Argy Construccion y salarios minimos respecto a EEUU. Hilo: Abajo vemos los salarios minimos en cada pais, proyectando si volvemos a maximos en argy con atraso cambiario salarios minimos de 1200 usd,dado q medido en maximos llevan una relacion 3.2 salarios argy forman uno en usa Cant de salarios argentinos q se necesitan para comprar un salario Americano en picos de crisis. y en la parte mas baja vemos valores de 3,2 salarios argy por salario en usa alla por año 2011. (Siempre tomando valor dolar libre)
Sep 23, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Hilo- ¿Por qué los argentinos podrían ser los más afectados del mundo por esta medida de la Reserva Federal Norteamericana? FLOJO el @Cronistacom en no poner en alerta a la población de sus implicancias.…. Abro Hilo 1-Una CBDC es una moneda digital(como el dinero actual)pero que opera mediante blockchain, lo que permitirá mucha mas agilidad a las transacciones y consensos, entre otras cosas (hoy obsoletos con el sistema SWIFT). Tambien permitira la eliminacion de la banca comercial
Sep 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Hilo 1- parte de la antesala del #rodrigazo fue la caida de las materias primas que exportamos y el aumento de la energia q importabamos te suena? mira este ratio mientras mas aumenta la energia con respecto a los alimentos, mas cae.Te dejo un fragmento de un libro Mario Rapoport 2-
May 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1-Modern monetarists or Keynesians want to convince us that as long as the economy grows by 2% and issuance is 2%, that does not generate inflation. Of course, it does not produce inflation from 0 onwards, but it does not allow deflation to arise. 2-what sense does it make to producers to let the GOV introduce more MONEY if we already sow that it is not necessary to let trade flow, only smaller units are needed in deflationary economies. see this thread
Mar 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1-Realized Cap values different part of the supplies at different prices (instead of using the current daily close). Specifically, it is computed by valuing each UTXO (Unspent transaction output) by the price when it was last moved. Image 2-in plain english its like financial cap or all real money destinated to buy each coin. In retrospective MARKET CAP is more known (all coins in existence times de value of btc) but this isnt the real Money that come in to the space of btc, realizad cap is a better measure for it
Feb 23, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
THREAD1-gdp measured against m2 is the velocity of money. This measures inflation or deflation, velocity spikes when gdp grow faster than m2, people run off money because rising prices, we are going to apply this comparison against other asset (btc, gold,dow j.) instead of GDP 2-as u can see in the previous chart since 00´s the veloc. wont stop from falling, this is deflation in GDP in the real economy, thats because m2 rise faster than gdp can grow, so where is all that money going? will see
Feb 23, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
thread1-2008 broke the trendline, this means that money supply increase faster and higher than gdp can grow. You can also see brown line entering in a down patern with lower highs. this is because money isnt going to real economy but going to bonds and stocks and other spec. as. thread2-If FED is injecting 100 usd to get 100 usd or less growth in gdp, it means that economy is not getting real growth is a zero sum game, thats why you can see the decouple of the brown line since 2008, meaning new printed dollars doesnt make a real growth in usd terms