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Jun 26, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
🧵 We are revealing previously unpublished bat ACE2 sequences from undisclosed sites in Yunnan (our best guess is Mojiang and Chuxiong). These ACE2 sequences were unearthed from Bingjie Hu’s 2018 MSc thesis, submitted a year before the outbreak.

Comparing sample IDs of bat ACE2 seqs of Hu’s thesis and Guo et al. (2020) we identified 3 unpublished seqs from an unspecified trip to Yunnan (possibly 8th trip to Mojiang) and 2 more seqs (possibly Chuxiong). Similar to how we identified the 7896 clade.
Aug 11, 2023 23 tweets 11 min read
🧵Natural and non-natural live isolates (WIV & related)
- A substantial portion of the research remains unpublished.
- Missing live isolate WIV15.
- No samples, isolates, chimeric and MA viruses in 2017-2019?
- What is "Rs4874" really?
Image First, it is very important to distinguish between a sequence and an isolated virus. Isolating a virus is very difficult. The ratio is perhaps one in hundreds sequenced. WIV has obtained thousands of virus sequences but only a few live viruses.

AVC Panel……
Jul 11, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read
Let's go on an Easter egg hunt inside the pdf 🧵 Page 4: more on the timeline by Eddie
Page 10: some more remarks by Fauci
Page 13: longer version and remarks by Farrar
Page 16: answer by Nature

Mar 4, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
New pre-print from WIV, ht @babarlelephant.
Some initial comments while we wait for the release of the accessions.… They finally correct the Mojiang mine GPS coordinates. Although still with a 9 km error
(note the greyed area in Google Maps)
Jul 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It is completely rewritten. Hardly any original sentence from the pre-print remains. The most significant change is the last sentence of the Abstract: Misc:
- Rambaut now more involved (added to "Software" and "Data curation" in the contributions).
- The 155 cases turned now into 156 cases.
- Fig 1E then vs now (they forgot to update Fig 2B too).
- Fig 1A: many cases shifted East hundreds of m.
Feb 9, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Judge yourself. They were looking for new SARS viruses different from SARS1 but this one found investigating a COVID-like outbreak in miners was not interesting and they made a mistake saying the miners had SARS antibodies. 80% identical means 20% different. I remember seeing that number somewhere before...
Feb 8, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Las declaraciones del Dr. Joan-Ramon Laporte Roselló (catedrático Farmacología, CV impresionante y sin COIs) en el Congreso, convocado por Podemos y PSOE, no han sentado nada bien. Le están tachando de "negacionista" sin refutar nada de lo que dice

1/n [48:25] Hay que vacunar a inmunodeprimidos, pero en niños y adolescentes puede ser contraproducente. La mayoría de los menores de 20 que han fallecido por COVID tenían enfermedades graves. Hay que huir de recetas oficiales y pensar críticamente. "Lo primero es no hacer daño"
Dec 29, 2021 20 tweets 8 min read
[Thread] Wang et al. (2021):
Another article revealing trips to the Mojiang mine and Laos was kept in the limbo when the pandemic started.
Note: The article covers HKU10 viruses which are not related with SARS-like viruses.… It was "received" by the journal on 30 July 2021, but the sequences were accessioned in Genbank on 17-SEP-2019.
So it seems that this article may have prior rejections or have been withdrawn from other journals.…
Oct 12, 2021 18 tweets 7 min read
[Thread] FOIA from @USRightToKnow regarding Latinne et al. (2020) and clade 7896
TLDR: No sequence was deleted/modified since Aug-2019, but it seems they wanted to buy time for not publishing the viruses very early in the pandemic.… 13-Aug-2019: Ben Hu wrote an email to NCBI with 11 sqn files with 630 virus created with Sequin 15.10 (MS WINDOWS VISTA). All aa seqs are identical to current known seqs. Only two minor exceptions (two ends of two viruses trimmed by NCBI)…
Aug 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"DRASTIC is on the rise" according to CCP-affiliated media hahahaha
Hey, @BillyBostickson, I have not seen a $ yet!
Aug 25, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Addendum / Disclaimer of Joint China-WHO report… "currently available data" is highly biased (at best). If you conclude something from biased data, your conclusions will be biased.
A good scientist assesses quality and biases of data first. That is how Science work Image
Jul 24, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
[Thread] New unforced error. GIABR, the lab of the pangolins, has just uploaded sequences (MW600658:MW600715) that shows a trip to the Mojiang mineshaft or nearby on 22-Aug-2017, well after the last known trip of WIV in 2015.
Libiao Zhang explicitly credited as collector. Some context: Very few CoVs published with collection date after 2016 by Chinese institutions

Jul 17, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
[Thread] Who is the first known patient?
There is a lot of confusion, so let's review all possible patients according published onset dates [of symptoms] up to 15-Dec-19. Notation
Patients are anonymized, so they are identified as <AgeSex> (e.g. 49F is a 49-year-old female). In case there are many patients with same age & sex, suffixes are used (e.g. 65M1, 65M2, ...).
U = Unknown.
Problem: people can have birthday during illness
Jul 16, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
[Thread] Necessary corrections to the China-WHO report.
What they will probably fix and what they will not.
TLDR: circular swap of 3 IPCAMS genomes + tampered onset of Wuchang accountant; First patients and first cluster; Some falsehoods in articles… As we said, the problems were with S01, S05 & S11. Absolutely chaotic, but with a little table it is all more clear. Part of the problem is inherited from Ren et al. (2020) who followed different orders in the text and in the genomes for the patients.
Jun 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"It shows how an authoritarian government can successfully shape the narrative of a disease outbreak and how it can take years — and, perhaps, regime change — to get to the truth" "“You can concoct a completely crazy story and make it plausible by the way you design it,” Dr. Meselson said, explaining why the Soviets had succeeded in dispelling suspicions about a lab leak"
Jun 20, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
[Thread] Bat tissue collection and cell lines from the 3rd trip to Tongguan (TG) mine in Mojiang in Apr-2013 The 3rd trip is still my first guess for being the trip of live isolate WIV15 (and backbone). I guess it is more probable to isolate a virus from tissue itself... What do the experts say?
Jun 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
"The mounting evidence that the COVID-19 coronavirus escaped from the WIV, rather than spontaneously emerging from nature, had become the hottest topic in journalism and potentially the most consequential science story in a generation"… "The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a profound corruption at the heart of our expert class. The impact of that revelation will reverberate for years to come"
May 30, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
The previous mainstream narrative of "anything outside of a zoonosis is a conspiracy theory" was built upon two letters (not articles), among most cited papers of the year. Even Dr. Shi used them. They are both sinking now. 1/ The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
The corresponding author is self-debunking, and a co-author was de-facto retracting
May 22, 2021 23 tweets 8 min read
New pre-print from WIV:
RaTG15, which it seems it is former Ra7909… They finally concede after more than a year: "Here, we report the identification of a novel lineage of SARSr-CoVs, including RaTG15 and seven other viruses, from bats at the same location where we found RaTG13 in 2015"
May 12, 2021 15 tweets 8 min read
[Thread] New WIV theses found by @TheSeeker268. Let's make some comments on very important findings
1/ MSc thesis of Wang, 2nd co-author of the article of the first 4 trips to the mine (Ge et al., 2016), and dated 2 years before this article and can be considered as some of the first steps of this research
Apr 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] Missing / unpublished sequences
WANTED: Live isolates WIV15 & WIV6; Ra7896 (complete genome); EPI_ISL_402122; MT394201 Two live isolates missing. Serious issue!
WIV6 and WIV15