Frankie Last Profile picture
23, Journalism Student, still here, and IRL sometimes too!
Jan 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Reading through the NHS guidelines on blood donation for Trans People.

Haemoglobin testing is conducted in accordance with GENDER IDENTITY.
The reason given
“the majority of trans people undergo HRT which brings their haemoglobin in line with most cis people of that gender” The assumption that most Trans IDing people are on hormones is a dangerous one and fails to take into consultation the social shift and ROGD females and AGP MALES who are less likely than previous self IDing “Transexuals” to take hormones.
Dec 19, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
On the importance of toilets for women and girls.

The societal norm as much as a sturdy door keeps women SAFE.
Males do not enter.
If they do, we are supported by a society and a public consciousness that this is wrong.
We can yell “get out” without fear of recrimination. The ability of women to rudely tell men to FECK OFF is being dismantled.
It is a social norm keeping us safe.
It enables us to say NO.
Women are bound by the culture.
Dec 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Trans vs Conservative Women.
Debate (USA)
From this brief video it is very stark how restrained the American women are when compared with us here on TERF ISLAND.
They adhere to pronouns, they say “trans women”, thankfully however, they stop at using “cis”.
Dec 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Today on, Frankie Lifts Tweets. To say that we “genuinely can’t cope” with the opinions of Trans people. No. We disagree with your definition of the word. We do not think it is a solid definitive reality. It is a concept.
It is true that Dylan M doesn’t menstruate.
Let’s say that till the cows come home.
Dec 18, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I used to worry about how I could describe my sexuality without being “transphobic”.
I ended up realising it was IMPOSSIBLE.
Thankfully I didn’t then attempt to break down any boundaries BUT it wasn’t something that made me question gender woo.
It really should have been. But no. As a game, I try to define my sexual orientation using the rules of gender woo. It is an impossible and un winnable game.
But young people are tying themselves up in knots with this.
Dec 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Family Day
5 minutes in.
“You look like a character in Oliver!”
Now great aunt is singing the tunes.
In Pret. At full pelt. Image Family Day
At Nanny’s.
Nanny and Great Aunt (ex-hubby’s sis) are discussing nails. 💅
Very quickly descends from nail colours to “and I split my nail and it was bleeding and…” descended into blood and ailments.🙂
“Girl” talk 2 minutes.
Gore and ailments 10.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
At the risk of pissing EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) off
I do not think Kellie Jay Keen is a far right. I may disagree with her tactics and I may disagree with her not condemning groups but I do not think she is a far right.
GCs are working with a right bunch of folk at the moment. Some of whom I despise.
But others are squaring the moral circle differently.
“A means to an end” etc.
I do not agree with much of it, (hard to guess for others what lines I do personally draw and why) but this is true for all of us.
We are making progress and we
Nov 1, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
So apparently the BBC is anti trans now.
According to one poster with flags (means one is a good person) in bio. Have you been under a rock?

The BBC only pulled out of Stonewall last year after years of captured and bias reporting.…
Oct 31, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Jason Isaacs is a family favorite in my house, so this has gone down like a lead balloon.
Starting off with uncertainty, you may be uncertain but I am not. War and armageddon may frighten you but women have another concern closer to home.
We too are uncertain but unlike you we are uncertain of the stability of our rights.
Our concern comes not from nudity, but from context.
A person sang about their superiority, the superiority of their prosthetic breasts that would never go saggy, and then proceeded to strip naked exposing "their" penis.
Oct 31, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
🧵PART 1 of 2

Certain TIMs on the platform are whipping kids into hysteria. And they sound like a DEATH CULT.
Do all of this to your body, so what if it hurts?
Your joining a sacred class that has always suffered.
Cults tell followers the world is subversive and danger looms at every corner.
Unreasonable requests made to sound normal SO LONG as you can convince that THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.
And here we have exhibit A.
The tone of which is “if people are bad it’s justified to kill them”
Sadly these are the guys comparing us to Nazis.
Oct 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Daily I’m astonished by the solidarity of the sisterhood. Yes factions arise and YES these cut deep but decpite all of this we still manage to come together for a shared goal. Even if we are working separately in our corners finessing our style of activism when we come together, like @FiLiA_charity AMAZING things happen.
Women share archived articles those who can’t afford subscriptions can stay informed.
#FiLiA2022 had concessionary rates for tickets making it more affordable.
And drinks are liberally brought down the pub.
Oct 30, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I’m sorry but NOTHING has been done to anyone for this to be a reasonable conclusion. You are cosplaying the oppression of the Jews in 1930s Europe. You should be ashamed.
The PM made one speech. You have safety and protection in law. European Jews were slaughtered in there millions. WOMEN are the oppressed class, but I would never dare to compare our oppression with that of the fecking HOLOCAUST.
I’m going to leave some links to all the restrictions placed on the lives of Jews now because I will not see compassions like this baselessly said.
Oct 29, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Earlier this week I wrote an article about how I narrowly avoided the #transwagon (play on bandwagon)
I attempted to address the whys and it was entirely about my personal experience.
I skated around and I don’t think fully addressed the connection between my being autistic and the reasons for latching on to the “inbetween” of non binary.
So here goes
Autistic people often have sensory issues, physical discomfort in one’s body. As a consequence comfort is key. To some this means compression clothing, to others loose and baggy.
An aversion to change.
Oct 29, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
As promised, my recommendations to the UK Government are as follows.

Health Secretary- @PankhurstEM (cause Dr?)

Chancellor of the Exchequer- @MForstater (tax expert 😏)

Home Secretary- @HJoyceGender (she has a home?)

MOD- Glinner, no one’s gonna fight him. Foreign Secretary- @artymortyarty (he’s Canadian so technically)

Ministry of Justice- @HWistrich (need I elaborate LEGEND)

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancs- @Kathleen Stock.(don’t actually know what that entails,)

Trade secretary- @JessDeWahls (small business)