Freeman Profile picture
Zimbabwean| Biomedical Scientist| Software Engineer| Dad| Activist| Entrepreneur| Wezhira WekwaChivi
Gurundoro #CCC Profile picture Davison Nyakutya Profile picture chris karuma Profile picture Khule.G Profile picture Musanga Profile picture 29 subscribed
Oct 14, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
1. Here is what is happening. Prior to elections there were 3 groups of pple.
- Those who supported Chamisa & CCC
- Those who supported CCC in spite of Chamisa
- Those who supported Chamisa in spite of CCC
CCC in this case is the grp of pple who loosely are remnants of MDC 2. There is also another nomencleture.
- Those whose political fortunes flourished by association with NC
- Those whose political fortunes dimmed by being sidelined from NC
Sep 23, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1. It is one month after the sham elections by @ZECzim . Citizens came together and raised $105K for deployment of polling agents. My role in this was to provide the technology but there were many other #Mazizi who had other roles, from fundraising, handling & distribution. Image 2. The tech stack was done 14 months before elections but due to hesitations we only ran this 2 months before the election. Still we managed to raise 10% of what we ideally needed. The logistics of distribution was a nightmare, mainly because fears of misuse if done too early
Sep 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1. CCC has its own weaknesses but most of it is not of its doing. A lot of it is as a result of experimenting with unorthodox strategies because of incessant state sabotage. There is little CCC can do to remove ZANU PF without international intervention or resorting to violence. 2. Zimbabwe is under a military dictatorship. A shameless one that has experience in killing and getting away with it. ZAPU had a formidable military wing and pple well trained in military strategy they were massacred even as they sought to be peaceful. It is power at all costs
Aug 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. The position shld be, there were no elections. I have read the SADC report & it is a true reflection of what happened. I know the token "winners" by CCC wld want to go to parliament & council but that wld be at the expense of the nation. The WHOLE election was INVALID! 2. I spent the past year hammering on Delimitation & the unconstitutional the formula. I am glad SADC noted it. CCC was disenfranchised of 57 constituencies by @ZECzim's bogus delimitation. CCC stood to win at least 110 seats had the delimitation been fair
Aug 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1. I was hoping that by now @ZECzim wld have released a spreadsheet with their votes by polling stations. First things first, we believe ZEC plucked numbers out of thin air. This is how our parallel tabulation looks like as of now. We have been feeding V11s into our system Image 2. The green ones are done constituencies won by Mnangagwa, the yellow ones were won by Chamisa. The white ones are not yet done most with V11 we are still transcribing. For all the done ones
Chamisa - 1 788 382
Mnangagwa - 1 769 592
Jun 22, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1. I am actually amazed that CCC managed to field candidates in 1917 wards. When you have spent 6 yrs following daily the shenanigans by ZEC & the govt on this party like we have done, you realize that this on its own is an achievement. 2. We can cry about the 53 but you gotta give it to CCC, in spite of all the sinks and toilets thrown at them they actually delivered on their first litmus test. Mwonzora with all the state resources, failed to field even 5% of those. I don't have confidence in @zecZim at ALL
Jun 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1. Adopting a polling station means you are financing deployment of citizen agents. Agents have to be there for 2-3 nights. We aim to deploy at least 2 agents/ps in contested rural areas. Training, food & transport is btwn $80-150. Cover your rural area 2. The process of adopting a polling station is private. Unless you share your adoption certificate no one will know you did. So be assured on your security.... Magandanzara haana mukana!
May 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1. One of the biggest problems in Zim is lack of leadership renewal in all sectors. When I worked for City of Harare, the Health director was Dr Chonzi. I wrote him a letter informing him what needed to change at the labs. It was a health hazard even for the workers. 2. At the time, we processed more than 300 sputum samples, 200 cholera stool samples a day for all of Harare's polyclinics in a tiny hole at Nazareta lab. We were just 5. At the end of the shift you wld be smelling poop, even the thieves in Mbare wld run away from you .
Mar 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1. If you are using a Zimbabwean number for Whatsapp or Signal, take extra precaution especially if you know you can be a target of the regime. I wld urge activists to use Whatsapp with wifi & foreign numbers. There are other things you can do to protect yourself... 2. The first thing is to always assume the govt is listening or snooping. The Zim govt has the cability for man-in-the-middle attacks on Econet & Netone. I have received messages from a friend's phone who was outside Zimbabwe and not roaming...
Mar 17, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1. So I wanna qualify my opposition to beating kids. My daughter is 9. During the pandemic, she took paint & started painting the garage floor. I was livid. I wanted to yell at her. Then I realized, she didn't even know this was permanent, secondly we had never spoken about it 2. To her the floor was too dull. I explained to her why this was bad. We greed that, if she needed an artistic outlet she can find something else to paint. She never painted anything else in the house but she started her rock-painting craft. Now she has sold some to her friends
Mar 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Paivapo Tsuro naGudo. Vakasangana navasikana munzira, zvikanzi ngativaperekedze. Vati fambe fambe tsuro ndokuti arikumbotsauka kunorasa mvura. Apa kakanga kaona nyoka yakazvifira zvayo padivi penzira. Kakaitora ndokumhanya mberi kwakuiisa munzira. Kakadzoka ndokufamba zvako. 2. Vasikana pavakaona nyoka, zvikanzi "Nyoka , Nyoka!!!!" Zvikanzi naTsuro, "Nyararai, Mirai muone zvandichaiita". Kakasvetuka, ndokupidiguka kwakundoirova kopo nehuma, kakaisimudza negumbo ndokuirova nemunwe, nyokaichibva yakandwa pasi yakangoti rabada.
Mar 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. ZEC has refused to avail electoral maps to CCC in analyzable format. The reasons are spurious. Electoral boundaries are not a secret. They are needed so CCC can know the boundaries for both campaign and audit purposes. Why is it important that CCC has these boundaries?... Image 2. Remember the exercise we did to map polling stations? The coordinates of polling stations are points , while the boundaries are polygons. When we merge these 2 layer we can easily see if the polling stations are within their said boundaries...
Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Many of you have never been on the other side of expulsion from school. You don't know how it feels. When you condemn a child at that age, in most cases it is a death sentence esp a girl. I remember my 1st expulsion at Mpandawana. It didn't matter that I was wrongly accused.. 2. The word in the whole community was, don't play with that kid he is bad news. I remember Mrs Moyo who was teacher weCreche muHwiru, she had a son who was at UZ. We shared a fence, but wen the son came back she told him not to interact with me, apa I was in Form 3
Jan 21, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1. Dear newly minted A'Level graduates. You are going to college - congrats! Here are my thoughts based on experience & observations. You're probably going to study something that you never planned to because our education system is a pipe. Your points determine where you land... 2. You will hear pple telling you that BA doesn't pay or BSc is a road to Chikwingwizha as a teacher. You will also probably go through some financial challenges as you go through your studies in this economy. If you have come from underpriviledged background it may be worse...
Jan 12, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
1. The opposition does politics party-time, ZANU PF does it full time with the aid of state resources. So it pains me when pple take things for granted. There is a group that is urging CCC to accept the draft delimitation bcz Tsvangirai won in 2008 even with the gerrymandered map 2. I just want you to remember that the March 2008 elections were the freest elections ever in Zimbabwe. Mugabe had calculated that, if he had won in those elections he wld have more legitimacy across the world. But, they also added a subtle safety valve....
Jan 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Kanyuchi was greedy but his most favorite meat was liver. He wld make sure that kumambure, he disappears the liver before the sharing. One day they were on the trails of a buffalo. Kanyuchi was leading the pack, he wanted to get to the liver 1st while it was still warm... 2. As the poison worked on the buffalo it became weaker & weaker. Eventually it fell. Kanyuchi was the first to arrive. He surveyed the carcass & concluded that the easiest & fasted way to the liver was through its ass. He shoved his hand and knife in....😬
Dec 31, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Dear Opposition. Don't pay attention to the ZANU ruse on delimitation. Please put a lot of resources on delimitation because you will need to analyze this ward by ward & each constituency. I am going to show you here that, @ZECzim is tilting this to ZANU PF. Look Masvingo 2. Currently there are only 2 constituencies adjacent to Masvingo Urban. Which means, it has too many voters, they have to be spread to these 2 other constituencies. Voters at the time of delimitation ,
Masvingo North - 23 208
Masvingo Urban - 43 767
Masvingo West - 20 330
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. In 2015 ZANU PF enacted the RBZ Debt Assumption Act whose effect was to pass down US$1.35 billion debt incured before 2008 to taxpayers. This was money that had been abused by Gono buying fleets of cars for MPs and Ministers, Baccossi and election freebies 2. In 2021 Mthuli wanted another US$3.3Billion to be passed down to taxpayers for the delinquencies of ZANU PF. Currently the Debt is close to $7Billion. This includes Farm Mechanization , Command Agriculture
& Pfumvudza loots by the Zvipfukuto ZveZANU
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. In 2015 ZANU PF enacted the RBZ Debt Assumption Act whose effect was to pass down $1.35 billion debt incured before 2008 to taxpayers. This was money that had been abused by Gono buying fleets of cars for MPs and Ministers, Baccossi and election freebies 2. In 2021 Mthuli wanted another $3.3Billion to be passed down to taxpayers for the delinquencies of ZANU PF. Currently the Debt is close to $7Billion. This includes Farm Mechanization , Command Agriculture
& Pfumvudza loots by the Zvipfukuto ZveZANU
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The Sakunda deal was not meant to benefit City of Harare. They wanted to use it as a bargaining chip in their quest to take over Dynamos. At the end of the day COH was giving up on Rufaro on the basis of renovations that wld have been out of their control 2. The proposal was for City of Harare to give up Rufaro today, then the renovations follow wherein City of Harare would not have any rights to ensure that the renovations happen timely & timeously. City of Harare insisted on opt-out clauses if the renovations don't happen
Oct 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1. It is our 15th anniversary. As usual, I share something abt us. I met this girl munaAngwa. I was down, unemployed & the Health Board was also stopping me from leaving the country. We knew each other from UZ. I said to her, "I am unemployed but gimme a call someday for lunch." 2. The text came on Tuesday 20 Feb, at 11:30am. It was short but enough to leave my head in a bit of a tailspin, "How about lunch today?" I was in Chegutu running some errands for my uncle. Immediately, I hit the road picking as many hitchhikers along the way to finance the dream