Andrew Friesen Profile picture
Father. Husband, Digital Transformation/Data Science. Enthusiast of travel, data, cars, and politics. Unenthused about right wing populism. Far-centre views
May 21, 2023 32 tweets 19 min read
🧵 Here is a series of lies Smith told during the debate.

Before the whatabout people come around Notley told 4 lies I could ID, Smith told 32. Frankly a list of true statements made by Smith would be easier to catalog.

There were many more moments of dishonest spin….(1/x) Danielle Smith lie #1
“Rachel Notley Almost Bankrupt Alberta”

Typically, one goes bankrupt when their assets exceed their liabilities. Per the GoA 2019 Annual statement when Notley left office Alberta’s net assets were $23.2B. We had a credit rating of AA1. Alberta was nowhere……