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Escaped the 9-to-5. Mastering money, mindset & freedom. Helping you do the same. Follow along or stay stuck
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Jul 5, 2021 23 tweets 4 min read
Jeff Bezos steps down as Amazon CEO exactly 27 years after he founded the company.

20 powerful lessons from #JeffBezos to inspire you:

-Thread- 1: “If you double the number of experiments you do per year you’re going to double your inventiveness.”

– Jeff Bezos
Jul 3, 2021 26 tweets 4 min read
Do you want to think better?

-Thread- The world is complex and interconnected, and we need to understand the big ideas from big disciplines, in order to have a whole map of reality to be able to make better decisions.

Critical thinking has to be based on going from the fundamental ideas to the mental models.
Jul 2, 2021 23 tweets 4 min read
20 brilliant lessons from Charlie Munger that you don't wanna miss.

-Thread- 1. "To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people."

- Charlie Munger
Jul 1, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Ultimately money is just a medium for exchanging value.

✅The only way to make money is to provide value.

-A Thread on passive income-👇 There is really no such thing as passive income.

There is no way to make money without doing anything at all.

But when I say passive income, what I mean is that it's money that is not directly tied to time.
Jun 30, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
30 timeless Psychology hacks to make friends.

From the book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People .'

-Thread- ✅Part 1

1. Don't criticize, condemn, or complain.

2. Give honest and sincere appreciation.

3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
May 31, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
The 6 basic fears and how to overcome them.

///THREAD\\\ 1.The fear of poverty:

You can’t focus your mind on getting rich if you can’t stop worrying about putting food on the table.

Acting like you don’t care about money and secretly desiring it, is a common error most people commit.
May 27, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
✅How to become a high-value man?✅

(👇A Thread👇) ✅Don't seek people's approval:✅

When you are insecure, you constantly seek the validation of people around you.

You will feel good only when they validate you by giving good comments.

Instead, validate yourself by believing in yourself.
May 24, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
How to earn not only your bread and butter but also meat, and wine using Twitter?

👇A Thread👇 (or should I call it a treasure?) You are on Twitter anyway, why not make money too while you're on it?

Yes, you can earn at least $100/ day just by tweeting.

Of course, no one is going to pay you if you don't have any skill set.
May 22, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Can ‘Taoism’ help you to find happiness in life?

👇A Thread…👇 The idea of Taoism stems from the book ‘Tao Te Ching’ written by Lao-Tzu.

Lao-Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher.

He wrote this book in a time of war to teach the rules of how to rule the country.

But the ideas apply even to the life of an ordinary person.