Experiential futurist. Distinguished Visiting Professor @TecdeMonterrey / Advisor @NASAJPL / Director @sitlab / Chair @postnatural / Fellow @longnow
Mar 31, 2021 • 21 tweets • 10 min read
Last week I helped to launch the United Nations Development Programme @UNDP’s annual innovation event #IID2021, using an #ExperientialFutures process and format created for the occasion. 🧵
In January I was asked how experiential futures might be brought to bear for the Opening Session –– a panel conversation on global development's futures, live in video chat (due to Covid the whole event had to be online), with the UNDP head and invited speakers around the world.
Dec 9, 2020 • 10 tweets • 12 min read
NOW LIVE: This year, 2045, marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Let's celebrate some of the countless initiatives that helped make the vision a reality!
A key purpose of futures practice is to invest thought in possible contingencies, so that when something unexpected suddenly happens you are better prepared.
COVID-19 is a vivid illustration of both the importance and the limits of foresight. Let me tell you a story.
This story is about how the first serious game funded by the CDC came about –– a near-future pandemic simulation, back in 2009 –– and how it was overtaken by real events. And what we learned from that. /2