Nearlyknowledgeable 👻 🎃 Profile picture
Part-time Goblin 🐸 Shropshire folklorist, writer, and lover of Ghostlore. 👻 - Writer of 'The Best of Men' -Working on a book about The Devil in Shropshire✨️
Jul 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This awesome medical apparatus changed the history of England. During the battle of Shrewsbury, 16 year old heir to the throne, Prince Henry was shot in the face with an arrow. No time was wasted getting the best medical attention for the Prince, namely John Bradmore. Image Bradmore was in prison for forging coins, but that didn’t matter now he was released and given the task of saving the future king of England. Physicians managed to locate the arrowhead and remove the shaft but were unable to remove the head. They left it embedded in the skull.