Giorgio Bonfiglio Profile picture
Principal Chaos Monkey @ AWS | IPv6/RPKI advocate | former network plumber | opinions my own | he/him
Oct 19, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
Piracy Shield ha bloccato un dominio di Google Drive.🤦‍♂️ Image Documentato qui: Image
Jun 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The Amazon Builders' Library is an hidden gem: it consists of articles written by some of the most senior AWS engineers covering foundational patterns and principles used when building AWS services.

Most learnings can be applied anywhere. Here are my favourite articles: "Static stability using Availability Zones" discusses the need for systems to keep operating at steady state even when upstream dependencies are impaired.…
Mar 25, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Antipirateria 🏴‍☠️, blocco indirizzi IP e domini, parte 383278.

Leggo parecchia confusione, quindi ecco un breve sommario dei problemi puramente tecnici legati ad un meccanismo di blocco immediato e senza contraddittorio: (thread, forse lungo 👇) Problema 1: IP condivisi. Se da un IP sono serviti più contenuti (CDN, Shared Hosting, Proxy, NAT) allora un null-route per bloccare parte di tali contenuti è illogico (e forse illegale).

Capire se un IP è dedicato o condiviso è complesso e a spesso impossibile.
Feb 13, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Hey @DellCares - I've had the terrible idea of purchasing an high end XPS 13 Plus 9320 from you, and just learned from support it's designed to only last for one day or so in standby.

Whilst I promise I'll never make this mistake again there are major problems with this. 1/n Its battery just surprise-drains overnight. I have observed drops of more than 80% in 4 hours while the lid was closed and it was in sleep (s2) mode.

There is likely an issue with the battery, but also a surprising lack of support for a deep sleep mode (former s3). 2/n
Oct 4, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
A bunch of Facebook networks has just disappeared from the internet: Image Good news is for once this happened AFTER my business hours so I have time to look into it.

This is the authoritative setup: 2 DNS have disappeared from the global internet routing table, the other 2 are otherwise unreachable. Image
Dec 8, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
Parliamo dell'app IO (@IOitaliait), di cashback, day one / click day e roba simile. 👇

[il thread che segue l'ho scritto ieri sera, poi ho deciso di non pubblicarlo, ma adesso ho cambiato idea. so che ci sono opinioni diverse, non che non mi interessino ma questa è la mia] Image Da anni chiediamo semplificazione e digitalizzazione dei processi.

IO rappresenta tutto questo: app unica multiservizio, codice aperto, team reattivo (guardate i commit), app e sito "vetrina" fatti così bene che sembrano servizi commerciali.
Aug 18, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
So, someone [*points his finger at @QuinnyPig*] asked about the different AWS roles that gravitate around a customer - it can become confusing, and the boundaries of each figure are not always super clear. I'll try to describe them all here. Let's start from the Account Manager: he's the one in charge of the long term strategic relationship. An AM meets customer's board regularly to define goals together. Inside AWS the AM coordinates everything related to the customer, and keeps everyone connected.