Gabriel Zucman Profile picture
Chasing wealth and income, present and past, onshore and offshore.
Daniel O'Donnell Profile picture Joe Lang Profile picture Chen Wang Profile picture Marcio Del Valle Profile picture Susana ruiz Profile picture 12 subscribed
Jun 25 12 tweets 4 min read
Thrilled to release this report commissioned by the Brazilian G20 Presidency today

Just like we have a minimum tax on multinationals, we need a minimum tax on the world's super-rich—and it has become technically feasible

🧵with the main findings and proposals Image Our tax systems do not effectively tax the wealthiest individuals today

We know this thanks to pioneering research, often conducted in partnership with tax authorities, which shows a recurring pattern:

All taxes included, the super-rich pay less than ordinary workers Image
May 6 7 tweets 2 min read
I was delighted to speak to the finance ministers of Latin America, reunited at @cepal_onu in 🇨🇱, to explain why it is necessary—and possible—to create a coordinated minimum tax on the super-rich

This is key to fight inequality, the climate crisis, and poverty

🧵 The Global Tax Evasion Report 2024, which our @taxobservatory released last year, estimates that a minimum tax on global billionaires equal to 2% of their wealth would generate ~$250 billion per year in tax revenue

$250 billion, from less than 3,000 under-taxed individuals
Apr 19 6 tweets 2 min read
Back from the IMF/World Bank Spring meetings, where — six weeks after the beginning of the work at the G20 on a coordinated taxation of the super-rich — there was palpable "tax the rich" energy in the room

A few notable developments 🧵 First, two Nobel Prize winners — Esther Duflo and @JosephEStiglitz — endorsed the proposal for a coordinated minimum tax on global billionaires
Feb 29 7 tweets 2 min read
My speech at the G20 today — making the case for a coordinated minimum tax on the super-rich, and more broadly calling for new era of multilateralism, focused on rooting out the inequalities that can corrode democratic societies

+some thoughts on the reactions... 1/n

In the response by the ministers, there was strong support for the idea that we need new forms of cooperation to tax the super rich, increase tax progressivity, and fight inequality

This in itself is a historic development — for too long these issues have been ignored
Dec 17, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Is rising US inequality an illusion? For people who want to make an informed opinion, I suggest starting with the official US government series 🧵 Taking the series as published (no attempt at harmonizing, etc.) – just the official headline series

Start with CBO Image
Dec 14, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about Auten and Splinter's work on US inequality 🧵…
Image There has been an enormous increase in the concentration of income visible in tax returns in the United States

Because it's directly observable, nobody denies it Image
Dec 4, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Who pays taxes, and how tax reforms would affect the different economic groups, are arguably some of the most important questions in modern democratic societies

Excited to share this NBER working paper, out today, that proposes a new (& hopefully better) way to do tax incidence Image The current practice of tax incidence originated from foundational scholarship conducted in the middle of the 20th century

It then evolved somewhat organically—and today has quite severe issues

We try to overcome those by proposing a new framework founded on optimal tax theory
Oct 23, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Thrilled to publish the Global Tax Evasion Report 2024

A first-of-its-kind international research collaboration, building on the work of more than 100 researchers, coordinated by the @eutaxobservatory

With striking new findings

Thread 🧵 End of bank secrecy, global minimum tax for corporations… the fight against tax evasion has been at the center stage of the international policy agenda over the last decade

What are the results?

Like in Sergio Leone’s movie, there is the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly