Gary Norden Profile picture
NN² Capital, Derivatives Trader & Consultant Former LIFFE floor pit options market maker and Senior Trader at Global Banks Liverpool supporter.
Coinsider Pirx Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 1, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
Happy New Year, I hope 2022 is a great one for you

In the lead up to Dec31 there's always a lot of talk about traders trying to mark up markets for EoY P+L and bonuses.

Here's a thread about why this view can be off the mark It assumes that Dec 31 is Financial EoY for bonus purposes. There are some banks/firms who don't use Dec 31
May 23, 2018 16 tweets 3 min read
52 Week High - Thread

A new study into 52 week highs again demolishes the technical analysis explanation about that 'level' In t/a, the 52 week high is seen as an important 'level'
Most if not all t/a supporters view the 52wh as a major resistance level
They claim it is psychologically important
They say contracts may trade through the 52wh in which case it is bullish
Or it may reverse and be bearish
May 15, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Amateurs vs pros (long thread)
There are lots of amateur traders and few pros
This is similar with sport
In both, the amateurs think they are behaving like the pros
But there is a massive difference
Many of these differences are quite small
Many have to do with mindset Pros are working on a completely different level both in skill and intensity
You can't learn to be a pro by watching or listening to an amateur
The vast majority are amateurs and they won't have the attributes to become a pro
Pros work in the 'now' they are 'in the moment'