Geoffroy Couprie Profile picture
senior staff engineer @apollographql, ex @clever_cloud works on nom, biscuit, sōzu, lapin - he/him
Oct 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Puisque scrum est le sujet chaud de la semaine, faudrait qu'on cause un peu de méthodo dans les projets de R&D logiciel plus orientés R que D, parce que ça peut donner des sueurs froides aux managers de projets 😁 "Oui alors, les specs, on les connait pas, on va commencer par coder 2 mois pour explorer le sujet puis on passe aux specs
- mais le code des 2 mois, c'est le produit final?
- ah non, ça c'est le prototype, on le jette à la poubelle"
Dec 5, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Thete's a point I'd like to explain about Biscuit tokens, that I find hard to put in words.
Basically, it's that OAuth gave us decentralized delegation, OpenID is decentralized authentication, while Biscuit is decentralized authorization.
Any way to explain that clearly? With OAuth: delegation must be explicitely supported by the service, but once it's there, any new consumer can register and the user decides independently to give it access to their account or to revoke
Dec 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
New release of the syslog 🪵crate :…
Some formatting and safety fixes, and a much needed upgrade of the time crate Also I hear there's a tracing-syslog crate in the works!…

(Not using my crate,but I'm happy to see it coming along!)
Nov 14, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Hey, now I can talk about that project that we've been cooking for a while at @clever_cloud: a Function as a Service system based on Web Assembly applications running directly in a VM. No OS. Just raw communication with the hypervisor Why Web Assembly ? It's a common format to run multiple languages, very few requirements to execute it, designed for sandboxing
See… for the current list of languages targetting wasm