KC Gleason 🥥🌴 Profile picture
Head of Operations at and wife of @GodlessEngineer. Member of the #SkepticMafia. Humanist. Atheist. (she/her)
Aug 6 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
#Project2025 Section 2, Chapter 4 (pages 119-130)

The Common Defense (6 of 6)


In the final portion of chapter 4, the writers discuss their perceived reforms needed in U.S. Cyber Command, Special Ops Forces, Nuclear deterrence, and Missile Defense.

The only note I have in this first section is that the writers believe that USCYBERCOM to end efforts to secure our elections from cyber threats. Why? Just… why?Image
More of the same arguments as past sections related to upgrading systems. No major issues there although it does seem like the writers view war and conflict in the world today through an antiquated lens. Perhaps we need to spend less money and effort on the old ways, and focus on the future.Image
Jul 21 • 4 tweets • 8 min read
#Project2025 Section 1, Chapter 2 (pages 43-50): a 🧵

Executive Office of the President of the United States (1 of 3)


This chapter begins with another call to end Agency independence and consolidate power into the Office of the President, as well as another demonization of Federal Agencies, repeating the lie that they’re weaponized against the people. They are not.

It’s a weird thing to see references to “returning power to the people” when the entire structure they are setting up is intended to give the President nearly unlimited power over a significant portion of our government and society through his “agenda.”

In fact, the writers of Project 2025 suggest using the OMB to control Agencies’ budgets, wielding their funding as a weapon to ensure that they are only acting on the will of President, or else they lose funding.Image
Page 47 notes support for “PAYGO” which is budget neutrality law, signed by Obama, to ensure Congress not enact any new laws that would increase projected deficits. The writers note it needs to be reintroduced, but it is currently in effect.

Deficits under Trump were at record highs (for peacetime). It has always struck me as odd when Republicans tout his economic record because it’s really not good:

Page 48 introduces an alarming idea that the OFFP, which sets policy for companies contracting with the Federal government, should ensure that only companies which align with the President’s agenda (no wokies) should be awarded Federal contracts. This suggestion goes beyond controlling the government, this is the President wielding power to control company policies and practices in the private sector, forcing companies to ideologically align with whoever is elected if they want to be awarded contracts or grants.

They also intend this for the Federal Workforce, using the OPPM to rate/review Agencies based on alignment with the President’s agenda, and if they don’t, using DNP to withhold funding until they fall in line.

These concepts are dictatorial and dangerous. And we should reject them outright.manhattan.institute/article/trumps…Image
Jul 20 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
#Project2025 Section 1, Chapter 1 (pages 29-42): a 🧵

White House Office (2 of 2)


In this second entry on chapter 1, the authors continue explaining roles and responsibilities of critical positions and offices within the White House Office. This portion covers the Offices of Communications, Legislative Affairs, Presidential Personnel, Political Affairs, Cabinet Affairs, Public Liaison, and Intergovernmental Affairs, as well as various White House Policy Councils, and the Offices of the Vice President and the First Lady/First Gentleman.

As with the previous entry, this section is mostly informational, descriptive, and non-political, however there are a few highlights worth covering.

Immediate RED FLAG in the portion in the Office of Communications…the authors of Project 2025 note there is no legal entitlement for the Press to have permanent space on the White House campus and suggest that perhaps the media having space there should be “reexamined.”

The authors also suggest a change in the nature of the relationship between the White House and the White House Correspondents. It is not clear specifically what they mean here, but what is clear is that there is intent to continue the Right’s demonization of the Press and a desire to push them out. This can only lead to far less transparency and we should all reject this and cry foul from the rooftops.Image
No notes, but good to read.

Jul 16 • 8 tweets • 8 min read
#Project2025’s Foreword (pages 1-3): a 🧵


The first few pages of the Foreword provide a history of The Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership” and include odd mentions of the “ruling and cultural elite” as if they aren’t part of that group, as well as exaggerations and misleading statements about the current economic and moral condition of our country.Image Point #1 Inflation

Current inflation in the U.S. is 3% and is trending downward. In fact, inflation rates in the U.S. are lower than in most of the world - map below ().

Meanwhile, corporate profits are the highest they’ve been in 50 years because though costs for them are decreasing, they are not passing along price reductions to consumers. This is why prices of goods remain high. ()gfmag.com/data/economic-…
Jul 15 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
Who is behind #Project2025?

At least 140 people who worked in the Trump admin have played a part in developing this manifesto, a dream/plan for the next Conservative Administration.

This #ReadProject2025 thread covers Project 2025’s Advisory Board, authors, and contributors. The #Project2025 Advisory Board is a coalition of conservative organizations, many of which hold extremist views and positions, from rolling back and limiting women’s and LGBTQ+ people’s rights, to racism and xenophobia.
Jul 15 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
What is #Project2025?

A blueprint for the next Conservative administration, one intended to guide policy for societal change.

This “Mandate for Leadership” isn’t new and in 2017, Trump’s admin embraced and attempted to enact nearly 2/3 of the 2017 plan.

#ReadProject2025 a 🧵
Pillar 1 is a plan for managing Federal Agencies.

It is a conservative, consensus view of how they want major federal agencies to be governed and provides different courses of action for the next President to choose a path, when the authors disagreed on one.