Matt Webb 🌸🌼 Profile picture
Maker of things like Poem/1 (AI hardware), Galactic Compass (iPhone app), founder Acts Not Facts. Blogger. Behind the mountains there are more mountains
Jan 31, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
hey want to hear about some technical details on why Poem/1 fibs about the time sometimes, and how I handle it?

this is a subject that @arstechnica zoomed in on in their article yesterday (thank you!!) Image here's the coverage from @arstechnica which I am truly grateful for, because it was part of the Poem/1 Kickstarter getting 49% funded in just the first 24 hours!!

ok, let's dig into how this works...…
Jan 30, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
I made an AI clock for my bookshelves! It tells the time with a new poem EVERY MINUTE composed by ChatGPT. And it has... weird vibes??

tl;dr it's on Kickstarter as of right now

I want to tell you the story because I didn't mean to do this... Image Before I get to deep into it:

My AI clock is called Poem/1 and here's the Kickstarter

Tell your friends :)…
Mar 17, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
I made an AI clock for my bookshelves! It composes a new poem every minute using ChatGPT and mysteriously has this enthusiastic vibe which I am totally into Hand on heart I did not include this kind of motivational positivity in the prompt!

I did describe the room from its pov, so it sometimes refers to books or the rug, or its own self as a small e-ink screen

Tbh I can’t look away. I need to get lunch but it’s compelling & magical Image
Jun 27, 2019 22 tweets 2 min read
Teegarden's Star. Everyday carry. Whisker fatigue. Yeet. The klept. Dick Whittington. Retail therapy. Rising of the lights Tohuwabohu. Spice zombie. Attention Correction. Decacorn. Blandlands. Lysenkoism. What, me worry? Ylem