An international alliance promoting a non-medicalised approach to sex & gender. We support Stats For Gender, Beyond Trans & the Gender Dysphoria Support Network
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Mar 2 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
🧵 Puberty blockers are fueling an unprecedented medical experiment on children. Genspect UK's powerful new briefing examines the alarming evidence and detransitioner testimony that challenge the NHS's reckless trial. Thanks to @cwestonclark for leading this critical work.
Our briefing systematically debunks key myths about puberty blockers, including their reversibility, mental health benefits, and supposed suicide prevention effects—all claims contradicted by the Cass Review's findings.
Feb 11 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🧵The Gender Soul
In the 1860s, German lawyer Karl Heinrich Ulrichs invented the concept of the gender soul to explain his own erotic interest in men. He could never possibly have imagined the far-reaching ramifications of his idea.1/10
Believing his attraction to men was caused by having a female soul in a male body, he wrote, “nature developed the physical male germ in us, yet mentally, the feminine one.” This distinction between the sex of the mind and the sex of the body has endured to the present day. 2/10
Jan 30 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
🧵The Trans Atlantic Crossing
In 1931, German physician Felix Abraham wrote the first scientific report on what he referred to as the “genitalumwandlung,” meaning genital transformation, of two “homosexual transvestites.” One of the men in the paper was Dora Richter. 1/9
The report is a detailed description, complete with photos, of the procedure which involved carving a cavity, lining it with skin grafts from the thigh, and inserting a sponge to prevent wound closure. Abraham strangely described it as “very easy” and only taking a short time.2/9
Apr 10, 2024 • 19 tweets • 13 min read
We're pleased that so many news outlets are reporting on the @thecassreview. It makes the #WPATHFiles even more relevant and considerably more damning.
The following thread contains a selection of articles and discussions on the report.
The Times- Nine Key Findings From the Cass Review into gender transition.
A great morning session at @CanSG_org .
Beginning with Keynote speaker Prof. Riittakerttu Kaltiala and moving swiftly through talks by Prof. Michael Biggs, Prof. Susan Bewley, Dr Margaret McCartney, Dr Anna Hutchinson and Prof. Richard Byng.
Some slides from the talks. The recording will be available after the conference.
@CanSG_org The 2nd panel, Chaired by Dr Louise Irvine will cover 'Safeguarding gender-questioning children & young people in healthcare and education'.
It begins with GIDs whistleblower Sonia Appleby.
Mar 21, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
“Do we have to stick to penis & vagina norms? Can we have genitalia that looks like flowers or abstract sculpture? Can we have multiple? Can they be interchangeable?” -WPATH certified clinician Laura Jacobs, LCSW- WPATH SOC revision committee.
Credit: posted by @Jonnywsbell
Mar 18, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The #WPATHFiles Daily Disclosures: Surgeons discuss performing surgery on a 14-year-old kid. Their concerns are about being sued, dilation issues and what consent looks like. Marci Bowers, the President of WPATH, advises against it because the tissue is too immature.
They KNOW that consent is a murky area. In this clip, part of a different discussion, a WPATH member acknowledges kids' and parents' lack of understanding of the implications of these surgeries.
Mar 5, 2024 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
1/🔍📣 "The WPATH Files" have been released 📂: Leaked discussions from WPATH key figures. Find out what they really think about what’s happening in “gender medicine.”💡 2/ WHO’S WHO IN THE WPATH FILES 🔍: Meet Dr Marci Bowers, a surgeon and the President of WPATH. Bowers has said that puberty blockers are “fully reversible.” But evidence suggests otherwise and Bowers knows this. 💥#WPATHFiles
Mar 4, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🧵1/ Genspect's Director @stellaomalley3 & Dr Carrie Mendoza of @FAIRinMedicine were proud to work alongside Michael Shellenberger @shellenberger, Mia Hughes @_CryMiaRiver, & the Environmental Progress @envprogress team on the #WPATHFiles that have just been released. 2/ The World Professional Association of Transgender Health @wpath is considered the "global authority" on transgender health. In fact, @wpath is a reckless promoter of pseudoscientific hormonal & surgical experiments on children, adolescents & vulnerable adults. #WPATHFiles
Jan 24, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🧵1/ US- NYC: "Rose Doe", a former prisoner in the women's prison on Riker's Island, is suing NYC, claiming it failed to respond to her complaints about her former trans-identified male roommate's sexual aggression, which escalated to rape. LINK:…2/ "The legal action, claiming a heterosexual man posed as a transgender woman in order to gain access to female detainees, comes 1 yr after advocates for trans prisoners implored NYC Council & Dept of Correction to make it easier for inmates to get housing that aligns w/their gender ids."
Dec 21, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🧵1/ IRELAND: On Monday night in Dublin, Genspect held an important meeting regarding the proposed conversion therapy bill. Genspect Director @stellaomalley3, Sheikh Dr Umar Al Qadri, @RonanMullen, @Toibin1, @HJoyceGender, Prof Patricia Casey & many others convened, representing women’s rights groups, Christian & Islamic faith groups, educators, politicians, detransitioners & mental health professionals.
2/ The conversion therapy bill would make it illegal for therapists to pursue a "questioning approach" with clients expressing gender dysphoria--a condition which can have many different underlying causes. The bill would create "chilling effect" for psychotherapists- and make it hard for people to get psychotherapy for gender distress. Radical & poorly evidenced social & medical transition would then be the only options on the table.
Dec 20, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵1/US-IMPORTANT: @AmerAcadPeds published a shocking article today in their journal stating "withholding [gender affirming care] is harmful to children & amounts to state-sanctioned medical neglect & emotional abuse". The article's 3 authors include 2 drs at @seattlechildren
2/NOT A SURPRISE: @seattlechildren operates a gender clinic for ages 9-16 WHO HAVE ALREADY STARTED PUBERTY (& therefore can begin costly medical interventions like pediatric Lupron implants, cross hormones, monitoring & addressing subsequently escalating medical issues)
Nov 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
WATCH & LISTEN: At our recent #GenspectBiggerPicture conference in Denver, Michael @shellenberger announced his new project, The #WPATHfiles- a collection of documents that exposes how badly WPATH has violated the public's trust. 🧵1/4 #TimesUpWPATH #GenspectDenver
WPATH's "Standards of Care" (SOC-8) has had a massive influence around the world, shaping policies, treatment protocols & legal decisions. It's being used to justify irreversible, experimental treatment on children & vulnerable young adults. 2/4 #TimesUpWPATH #WPATHfiles
Sep 5, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
US: BREAKING-🧵 1/6 A Citizen Petition has been filed with the @US_FDA regarding "Action Urgently Needed to Address Off-Label Use of Puberty Blockers in Children". Docket #: FDA-2023-P-376
LINK:…2/ @Genspect is a signatory, as well as @Miriam_Grossman, @JTAllenMD, @PatrickHunterMD, @will_malone, @FAIRinMedicine, @RethinkIME, @ourduty , @ethical_care, @GETAtherapy, @Aaron_GDAC , @DetransHelp & Dr. Quentin Van Meter
Aug 16, 2023 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
🧵1/9 Today is #ROGDAwarenessDay! Five years ago today, @lisalittman's groundbreaking, peer-reviewed study, Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria (ROGD), was published.…2/9 The term "ROGD" describes the phenomena in which teens or young adults with no childhood history of gender dysphoria suddenly developed the condition during or after puberty. This is the dominant cohort of patients currently presenting at gender clinics. #ROGDawarenessday
Aug 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
🧵US: 1/ “LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, including @HRC & @TrevorProject are asking the White House to add gender-affirming care to new rules under consideration by the @HHSGov strengthening health privacy protections related to abortion.”…2/ Why, you might ask, would “gender affirming care” be linked with abortion? This is strategic coat-tailing- be on the lookout for a great deal more of this.
Jun 21, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵1/ "Milo" from MTV's 2016 documentary "Transformation" is detransitioning. "I feel like I've kind of suppressed a lot of trauma...from when I was a teenager going through puberty & I was bullied at school by other girls for being kind of weird & stuff." 2/ "Also, just feeling like I was going to be an object for men if I kept my body the way it was. Which I know now isn't true."
Jun 18, 2023 • 15 tweets • 10 min read
1/ 🧵Today marks our second birthday. We’d like to take a moment to acknowledge what we have accomplished so far - and share some exciting news about what’s ahead!
2/ We’ve created a coalition of parent & other concerned groups from 21 different countries, as well as many clinicians, researchers, trans & detrans individuals around the world. We speak for thousands. We are stronger...together!
Jun 8, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
THREAD: 1/ In today's @WSJ: Attorney, bestselling PHARMA author & award winning investigative journalist @geraldposner shines a light onto "puberty blockers":…
2/Posner: puberty blockers are used off-label, which is both legal and common. "Some half of all prescriptions in the U.S. are for off-label uses. But off-label use circumvents the FDA’s authority to examine drug safety and efficacy, especially when the patients are children."
Jun 7, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
🧵PRIDE MONTH flashback: 1/ Remember when male rock stars like Pete Burns (1959-2016) of Dead or Alive wore outrageous clothing & makeup ---WITHOUT claiming that they weren't male, but some other "gender"? 2/ Burns: "[People] always want to know – am I gay, bi, trans, or what? I say, forget all that. There's got to be a completely different terminology, and I'm not aware if it's been invented yet. I'm just Pete."
Jun 2, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
🧵1/ Yesterday, the NYT reported on how little data we actually have on LGBTQ suicide! This is critical information for gender-distressed young people- and their families- to understand.…2/ "because most death investigators do not collect data on sexuality or gender identity, no one knows how many gay & transgender people die by suicide each year in the US."