Cllr Gerry McLaughlan Profile picture
SNP Cllr Stirling East
Mar 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
At @StirlingCouncil meeting today, Tory/Cabal tried to dig themselves out of the shambles of a budget, which they bullied thro last week.They raised the CouncilTax to 7%,to slash nursery provision and Youth Support. Today they tried to distance themselves from their decisions. The SNP government have agreed to provide additional funding to support the “Big Noise”. We don’t know when or how much. But Lab/Tory having realised what a shambles they had inflicted on Stirling ;want to spend money they don’t have to get them out a hole.
May 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Update on Stirling Council now that the dust has settled. In addition to the Provost and depute, Cllr leader and depute being shared out within the Con/Lab pact,there were the committees.There are six policy committees operating in the Council,all the Convenors and Vice Convenors went to Lab. the Tories have two members on each committee. All the “non political” committees are now chaired by Tories. All the external appointments have gone to Lab or Tory. So, if it walks , waddles and quacks it’s a duck 🦆. This was all negotiated between Lab and Tories.