How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App“No, his WMD program wasn’t nearly as extensive as we thought, but it is fiction to believe his weapons were entirely gone” — right. Same logic: yes, Neely assaulted no one, but it’s fiction to believe that Neely was entirely harmless.’s like 10,000 spoons, when all you need is a stiff drink. is the nonprofit that KDL — already deservedly on the spot for other reasons (more on that in a sec) — took cash from. Just a _really_ savory association for anyone who touches housing policy in Southern California to have. of the rest of us have explained — at length and with citations — why the “abuse” heaped on these obdurately insensate folks is entirely deserved. In the end, though, all that matters is that there’s a club and you’re not in it. was the 70s and early ’80s; let me tell you, in Mississippi at the time, kids in a pickup bed were way more common than, say, seatbelts.) is _tiresome_ to watch this Lemon Party of pundits do onanistic Lemon Party things, rather than engaging the factual premises of the matters they insist they must Ask Questions about: is gender-affirming care at crisis levels? What _evidence_ is there for the lab leak theory? letter goes into something I _think_ I learned of via Spy magazine, back in the day (thx @KBAndersen): the insistence of Times brass of keeping the word ‘gay’ out of the paper, and the blackballing of Times staff suspected of being queer.’s a bit like calling someone a “high priest of atheism,” or a “buzzsaw-wielding bonsai artist.” The terms, they contradict. we should be clear that billionaires versus democracy is a tremendous part of what (*gestures around*) … all this is. like seeing their brand names and products nestled alongside the bleats of coup plotters, you see.“A revolt by entrepreneurial capital against the professional-managerial class” — oh, so a revolt by bosses against labor? Sheesh, get lost. Marc, you represent the values of the Washington Post to people who were young like I was, people who like you are part of this mid-Atlantic community — people who may have grown up seeing the Post delivered to their doorsteps.