Gianni Cara Profile picture
Helping creatives uncover their unique message, communicate it effectively, and build a powerful brand.
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Nov 10, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
New to copywriting?

Here are 7 tips to go from"I don't know what the fu*k I'm doing" to $$$: 1/ Pick ONE good book

Take 3 different recipes and go bake a cake.

You'll end up with a Frankenstein.

Copy is the same.

Each book is a little different. Reading more books can create more confusion than help.

Pick either The Adweek or Good Advertisement and start baking.
Oct 24, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
The secret behind magnetic brands like Apple and Nike:


Here are 12 Brand Archetypes to help you find yours: 1/ Creator

Personality traits:
- Creativity
- Imagination
- Nonconformity

➔ Goal: Give form to a vision
➔ Brand example: Apple
Oct 22, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
One of the most important skills of 2022:

Writing Effectively.

It's helped me:
- Build a 20,000 audience
- Make $30,000 in one week
- Work for a 9-figure entrepreneur

Here are 7 principles that’ll make you a powerful writer: 1/ Follow the rule of ONE

- Write for one person
- Focus on one problem
- Deliver on one outcome

Many times writers promise 7 frameworks, and then they start sharing lessons, principles, and other unrelated stuff.

Don’t digress. Keep true to your initial promise.
Oct 17, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
I made $30K in a week after only 3 months on Twitter:

- Without a sales page
- Without testimonials
- Without heavy promotion

Here are 7 principles I used to create an irresistible offer (that you can too): 1/ Don’t focus on benefits

Benefits don’t get the sale.

Outcomes do.

People trade money for a new future.

And the more specific the outcome, the better it is. Image
Oct 15, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
5 reverse psychology tactics to close more deals (and become a master in persuasion): 1/ Ask "NO-based questions"

People feel safer saying "no."

They don't want to say "yes" and be responsible for the outcome.

Plus saying "no" makes them feel in control.

So instead of asking:

➔ "Would you agree to do X?"

You ask:

➔ "Would you be against doing X?"
Oct 9, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I've studied 300+ promos from the best copywriters in the world.

And they all used a powerful copywriting tool:

The 7 deadly sins.

Here's how to use them to spice up your copy (and increase your conversions): First, if you think using the 7 deadly sins is evil, here's what you're missing:

We often have a virtuous drive buried behind these sins.

But if you appeal directly to the virtuous drive, people won't pay attention.

So here's how to use the 7 deadly sins to resurface them:
Oct 8, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
5 branding lessons from Apple you should hang on your wall: 1/ Brand positioning is about taking a stand

What do you stand for?

Apple stands for the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers.

John Lennon, Ali, Einstein.

People who challenge the status quo.

The same way Apple has always done.
Oct 2, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
7 threads you must read if you want to build a highly profitable personal brand: The same way you recognize a Tarantino movie after a few scenes...

You can easily recognize Rob Lennon's content after a few lines.

That's because he has a clear understanding of his:
- Values
- Voice
- Style
- Topics

To get clear on yours, read this:
Sep 29, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
We make 95% of our decisions using the subconscious.

But most brands only know how to tap into the other 5%.

Here are 7 neuromarketing tactics you'll wish you knew sooner: 1/ Use $0 instead of "free"

Free is not only overused but can also give the idea of a product that has no value.

While "$0" sounds more like you're getting a good deal.
Sep 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I’ve analyzed 300+ viral threads.

Out of 26 categories, 5 were the clear winners.

Here are 5 types of threads that’ll 10x your chances of going viral: 1/ Frameworks

People want easy models they can apply right away.

Reason why Twitter loves frameworks.

But to make these go viral, you have to link the framework to:

- A desired outcome
- A famous company

Here’s a great example from Liam:
Sep 25, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Nicolas Cole co-owns the fastest-growing writing community on the internet:

➔ Ship30for30

Here are 5 writing tips I learned from studying his work: 1/ Being Specific > Being Original

"Original ideas are the end result of being more specific."

The goal is to keep fine-tuning your ideas until it becomes "different."

That's what will make your ideas original over time. Image
Sep 22, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Master copywriting and you can print money at will.

Sadly, most people don't know how or where to start.

Here are 9 copywriting frameworks to get you started: 1/ HELLYEAH

Holler: Get their attention

Empathize: With their pains

Lambast: The cause of the problem

Legwork: Prove they can trust you

Yes: You have the solution

Educate: On your solution

Action: Call them to take action

Handle: Any objections left
Sep 18, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Storytelling is a superpower.

Sadly, most people aren't using it to its full potential.

Here are 7 storytelling resources you'll wish you knew sooner: ◾ Lessons from the screenplay

Michael analyzes some of my fav films like:

- The Shining
- The Dark Knight
- Inglourious Basterds

And share the storytelling techniques behind them.

Here's his most popular video on The Joker:
Sep 15, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
1 million followers in 30 days.

How did Brendan Kane do it?

He attributes his success to the 6 principles of virality: Brendan calls a literary agent and asks:

"If I get 1 million followers in 30 days, would you get me a publishing deal?"

The agent says yes.

And after achieving what seemed impossible, Brendan gets the deal.

But how did he do it? Image
Sep 13, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Storytelling is a high ROI marketing and life skill.

Sadly, most people suck at it.

But If you avoid these 7 common mistakes, I guarantee you won’t: 1/ Don't have a clear through-line

Before you start writing...

Can you explain your story in 1 or 2 sentences?

If not, your story is doomed to fail.

Even a complex story like Inception is very simple at its core. Image
Sep 11, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
I made $24K in one week after only 3 months on Twitter.

If you want to build a profitable personal brand, read this: 1/ Start with 1 topic

At the beginning, I only wrote about copy.

That allowed me to:

1. Grow my reputation quicker

- It's easier for people to associate your name with 1 topic (rather than 3.)

2. Get better at it faster

- The more I wrote about it, the more feedback I got.
Sep 8, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Build a powerful personal brand and you can print money at will.

Sadly, most people don't know where to start.

Here's how to use The Helsinki Bus Framework to get started: 1/ Get on the bus

In Helsinki, there is a large bus station with two-dozen platforms.

The first decision you have to make is which bus to take.

I'm sure there are a bunch of topics you'd like to write about.

But at first, all that matters is that you pick one and get started.
Sep 6, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
7 secrets from Twitter's top creators to 3x your content output and 10x your growth: 1/ Repurpose underperforming threads

I repurposed an old thread and 10Xed its result.

I simply:
➔ Added visuals
➔ Used a better hook
➔ Made the sub-heads more catchy

New followers learned something new.

Old followers read a better thread on the same topic. Image
Sep 4, 2022 10 tweets 13 min read
7 tools to help you build your personal brand with $0 in 2022: 1/ @figma

Visuals make your content easy to digest.

And I use Figma to create all the visuals I use on my threads.

My favorite is the "bad VS good example:"
Sep 1, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
7 sentences from Steve Jobs that'll teach you more about branding than a $4,995 course: 1/ "Marketing is about values"

We live in a noisy world.

This means people won't remember much about your brand.

So you have to be 100% clear on what you want them to remember about you.

You have to ask yourself...

"What does my brand stand for?"
Aug 29, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Master storytelling and you can print money at will.

Sadly, most people don't know how or where to start.

Here are 5 storytelling frameworks to get you started: 1/ The Pixar Framework

Once upon a time ➔ The story world

Every day ➔ Main character's routine

Then one day ➔ The routine is broken

Because of that ➔ The consequences

Because of that ➔ The journey

Until finally ➔ Main character succeeds or fails Image