holly Profile picture
overeducated raccoon
Eric Alba Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
American environmental policy is such that we'll pay billions and billions of dollars to build carbon capture plants to remove 500,000 cars' worth of carbon out of the sky but will invest 0 dollars in public transit to remove 500,000 cars from the highways. "What if we moved to a 4-day workweek, which would dramatically cut emissions from commuting vehicles?"

"No, that is guaranteed to work and would cost nothing so no.

"What if we gave billions to a capitalist for an experimental for-profit technology..."

"Now you're talking."
Aug 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
For real, this last David Brooks op-ed confirms my theory: the second women began graduating from elite colleges in equal numbers as men, that's when men decided that a college degree was no longer relevant or valuable. Before that? Nothing but respect for PhDs. It's almost like if you look backward, a college degree was only ever valuable when women and people of color couldn't go to college so it conferred upon rich white men this special, almost magical status of authority that no one else could defy.
Jun 30, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
WIFELADY: if I don't tell my husband explicitly what to do, step by step, it'll never get done haha men

HOLLY: haha no that's because he's a child and you married a child I'm sorry your generation was weird about sex


HOLLY: forty years of caring for a baby man WIFELADY: my husband means well and I love him to death but

HOLLY: but he doesn't anticipate your needs


HOLLY: or educate himself about how care works


HOLLY: and surrendered over to you full dominion over housework chores and family duties

Jun 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
White people have been taught that racism is a choice that clever people don't make which gets in the way of us coming to terms with the harder truth: that we're cooked like meat in racist broth and it'll take a lifetime of figuring out all the ways we take inequality for granted Lots of white people grew up thinking that fighting racism means just refraining saying overtly racist things to coworkers.

That's it.

It was never presented to them as something that must be unlearned with self-inquiry.

It's the same with men and sexism.
Mar 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
If your job is so "essential" that you can't get off for a killer global pandemic, you deserve $15 an hour and a union. The state of Pennsylvania closed all "non-essential" stores which I assumed must include Game Stop but no I was wrong.
Jan 19, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
I learned that ibuprofen reduces menstrual flow BY 50% and the only reason I can come up with for why no one else knows about this is that we're such a fucking misogynist culture, we can't talk about something that women have to deal with every four weeks for 30 years. Honestly, this book is a gift and every one with a uterus should read it amzn.to/3aovV6L
Dec 17, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
The first two pages of a google search almost never surface blogs or personal websites anymore.

Every worthwhile question you could think to ask has been anticipated and occupied by search-engine-optimized by assholes.

The internet hasn't been free for a really long time. Technologist Kevin Kelly said the future belongs to people who know what questions to ask but I would counter that by insisting that the future belongs to whoever knows how to best cage the questioners.