Giulia Guerrero Profile picture
I AM! Mastery through being everything and nothing in beautiful union. I'm thankful and grateful for all your support and donations 💚
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Jan 10, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Message from Malphas (demon): Beautiful divine beings of light and dark, you have always been loved.

There is no possible way that you are not loved and guided, even in the darkness.

So many of you have deemed darkness as your enemy, but have you ever wondered how it loves? It loves so deeply and completely. It anchors the very freedom you already have. Yet, in your belief that you're not free, you create mental prisons and definitions of experiences as bad, negative or horrible.

These labels are simply your choices. You are always free to choose.
Dec 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The Christmas season is among us, and for many, this may not be the happiest time of the year.

There is a lot of energy within the collective, and individual realities, of anger, hate, jealousy, guilt, greed, lack, sadness and loneliness. If you feel any of these, understand that it's because of the meaning you have attached to this phase of life. You've connected hurtful memories and emotions to Christmas, both consciously and subconsciously.

Finding yourself in this space is perfectly fine.
Oct 12, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Message from Oneness: You may find yourself in a little bit of a hermit mode. Part of you feels connected to the old self. Part of you feels connected to the new self.

This found space of neutrality can be perceived as confusing, not knowing what choices to make. There is no choice you have to make right now except to flow, to be, to love.

You don't even have to believe or have faith that it will work out. It's already yours. It has already worked out in your favor.

Belief, trust, faith and hope are all synonymous with love.
Sep 19, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Those who are meant to be in your life WILL be in your life. They won't abandon you or leave. Your inner guidance won't ask you to walk away from them either.

You will have clarity of who they are if you choose to maintain your center, coming from your heart space. And for those who don't want people to leave because of your fears, do you really want to beg or plead to someone to see your worth?

That, in itself, is your awareness that you need to shift your self value and worth concepts.
Aug 22, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
Ready for some craziness? Well, that's my daily, but this one really shook me.

A few days ago, I had this energy beginning to surface within me. It was, like pretty much everything else, about 100% accepting myself through unconditional love. In this particular instance, a concept I hadn't thought about much "people who consciously make the choice to hurt another", came up. Could I choose to accept even the darkest parts of me in their truth as Source?

My mind could wrap around certain choices, but not all.
Aug 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Message from Yehoshu'a (Jesus): Beloved, you are being asked at this moment to trust your intuition more than ever before.

The tide is high. The waves are rough, and you find yourself swimming against the current. If you continue to struggle, you could very well drown. The way out of these rough waters is by flowing. Allow the ocean of your emotions and thoughts to take you were it needs to.

Stop trying to swim against the current. Strop trying to get out of these rough waters when they keep dragging you in.
Jun 13, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Message from Giulia ("future" version in a parallel reality):

You're going to be giving up your need to justify your worth through hard work. You will no longer focus on the concept of work as a means to make money.

You'll simply intend, create in your mind, and it shall be. Very much like the dreams you've had lately. You will simply sleep, enjoy life and when you awaken in the morning what you dreamt of is already done.

You will awaken in an aligned timeline every single time. You won't know how you did it, but you will have the memories there.
Jun 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The most important part of deliberate, conscious creation is not to make things happen.

It's to allow your desire to occur, and permission, allowance happens through alignment with Source, not through physical action. If, for any reason, someone takes physical action and achieves what they desire as well, it's because in the process of taking action there was a subconscious alignment to who they are as Source.

They chose to believe 100%. There was no doubt.
Jun 9, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
I don't normally share conversations I have with God, but tonight, I was told to do so.

Me: I have yet again shifted paths, leaving people behind, choosing myself. This energy I feel in my heart...this intensity, what is it?

God: It is you. It is your truth and your love. You are a divine soul who has valiantly battled to uphold unwavering faith in your beliefs. Despite the discouragement thrown your way, despite the lack of belief prevailing in your community, and despite the obstacles in your path, you have persevered.
Jun 8, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Life is meant to be one amazing adventure, and like riding a roller coaster, you choose whether you're having fun, afraid, or surrendering to any emotion that shows up.

What you have to remember, though, is that the ride will eventually end. So when are you going to choose to be happy? To be authentic? To be joyous?

When the ride is almost over? When your friends or family decide? When the fear is gone?

Or right now?
Jun 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Most people have been taught to seek external advice and validation. They go to their friends or family before making any major choice, asking questions like...

What do you think about this?
What should I do about that?
Do you think this is a good choice? You care more about other's opinion and use it as your guidance than your own inner self.

There is nothing wrong with this, except the human mind can be tricky. It not only asks for guidance, it asks to feel validated, immediately trying to do what others say to feel love.
Jun 4, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Healing entails releasing the thoughts and beliefs that cause you to feel you're not enough, not worthy, unlovable, and lonely.

When you're able to bring your emotional state into neutrality, you open up the space for new beliefs based on love to be accepted by you. A simple exercise that I have my daughter do, as she's not always able to understand why she feels a certain way or does specific things, is to imagine the worst case scenario.

The worst case scenario in pretty much every instance is never having what she wants ever again.
Jun 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Since my beautiful acceptance of my Christ Consciousness a few days ago, I've had so many old thoughts and patterns show up for clearing.

They don't have any major emotional weight connected to them, making it easier to simply become aware and release. I will continue to integrate this new version of myself as timelines shift. It's been really weird because I've been seeing myself change physically too, and that's been quite interesting indeed.

Every day I shift from one version of Giulia to another. Similar, yet not the same.
May 30, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Oh, this is a great question because I've been there before and asked the same thing to my higher self and spirit guides.

The answer your higher self is telling me is similar to what my higher self said to me.

Make a list of all the things you'd like to do and try. This list should be expansive. Don't limit it to just spiritual concepts and ideas.

If you want to learn things like painting, drawing, welding, etc. or go travel, workout, it doesn't matter. Add everything you can think of to the list.
May 30, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
The most important thing to remember is that, at the soul level, this is chosen experience. We might not always understand why a specific soul would want to go through experiences that are difficult, rough, self-destructive, or negative, through the dualistic perspectives. However, we can understand that it's a choice of the higher self to experience this, and in some instances, they do discover why.

Take me, for example, I went through hell and back in my life, and the ultimate reason is this point where I am now remembering I am Source.
May 30, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
I can only speak to the timeline I'm being shown, but yes. She had miraculous abilities like Yehoshu'a.

She was actually the disciple of the disciples. The most trusted person for him because she was what we call his twin flame. Without diving too deep into the twin flame concept, as I don't agree entirely with what the current spiritual community believes it to be, she was his long-term soulmate and soul in a different body with the same oversoul, I AM presence, and group leader.
May 30, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
There is nothing to fear regarding the current upgrades or DNA changes. Every person will integrate what they are ready for.

Remember, these energies come from you. You are the energetic field, the universe through which they come from. If they integrate now, it's because you're ready.

Now, people who do have chronic issues might feel temporary body aches because each integration is essentially the body catching up to the new version of you in the timeline you've shifted to.
May 28, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
Under the starry blanket of the universe, the pure essence of myself, I whispered my heartfelt desires, yearning for a deeper connection with myself. I longed to integrate all that remained untapped within me. As the night wore on, I woke from my slumber at 1:33 am, stirred by an unfamiliar alarm that pieced the silence of my room, resonating with a fragment of Adele's song “Easy on Me”:

"When I'm drowning in this silence
Baby, let me in
May 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Aristotle famously wrote, "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know."

Throughout my experiences, I've accepted it as my truth because the more I know, the more I realize I'm all and nothing. Two contractions existing harmoniously within me.

This belief has helped me delve deeper into specific fields of knowledge and even within myself from the energy field perspective.

I've come to the conclusion that I know all and nothing at all.
May 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Unlimited parallel realities. Unlimited timelines.

So yes, there is no answer to that directly because there are limitless possibilities. We are shifting through billions, if not more, of those timelines to create the concept of life perceived by the brain. If you want humanity to ascend and shift, you have to ascend and shift. The timelines and parallel realities you experience are fully connected to you because you are the Creator.

As the human self, your consciousness simply shifts to a new reality.
May 27, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
There are many ways in which we can change our rooted beliefs. You have to think of the human brain as a computer.

When you want to change the programming or update it, what normally happens? A new program is installed, old program is removed or coding changed. Each of those instances requires a rehaul of the data that is stored in the computer, or brain in our instance.

The complication we have is that sometimes you have coding that contradicts itself in the same computer, such as believing contradicting beliefs.