Giulio Mattioli Profile picture
🇪🇺🇮🇹 citizen in 🇩🇪 (with opinions), transport researcher.
2 subscribers
Feb 25 6 tweets 2 min read
Who is the guy who is about to become German PM?

A few remarkable things he said & did - THREAD

Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2
Feb 2 14 tweets 4 min read
We recently published the first study to investigate the determinants of air travel behaviour with panel data.

In practice: what factors explain why someone flies more or less a few years later?

THREAD on the main findings…Image We first review existing cross-sectional evidence on the deteminants of air travel - summarised in this table (which the reviewers didn't like so didn't make it into the final paper :) ) Image
Nov 6, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Having grown up in Berlusconi's Italy, I can feel it in my bones that when they win the first time, it's tough, but when they win *again*, after all they've demonstrated, *that's* the really hard one to take When it happens the first time, you can think "This is an aberration, this was a tantrum, people don't really stand behind this, this is not who we are". The second time around really brings home that yes, this is what many of "us" are & stand for.
Oct 18, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
Aviation accounts for 3.5% of climate change impact, and it's one of the sectors where emissions are increasingly most rapidly.

But where do aviation emissions come from?

The answer is in this new paper led by Frédéric Dobruszkes - THREAD…Image [Little pedantic note before we start. For various good reasons the analysis in this paper refers to "fuel burnt", not CO2 emissions. But there is an almost perfect equivalence between the two so it doesn't matter in the end]
Oct 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
When my German-Italian son was born in the UK, with my family name despite us not being married, the German officials initially wanted to give us a passport with the mother's name, despite him having my name on both the UK birth certificate and the Italian passport 🤦‍♂️ There is something deeply amusing (and annoying ofc) in this "We refuse to acknowledge that foreign countries exist" when dealing with foreign countries that you sometimes encounter with Behörde.
Sep 14, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Aviation emissions are booming. With climate targets looming, you would expect governments to act. And yet they don't - if anything they work to make sure that emissions increase even further. But why?

The answer is in @verahuwe_'s new article (THREAD)…
Image @verahuwe_ [Disclaimer: there is a lot in this paper, and Vera wrote her own thread here

What I'm doing here is to give my own take on what I found most eye-opening - there is a lot more nuance in the article and you should read it
May 14, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
To me the most striking thing in this chart is how much the Italian saving rate has *declined* over time: from nearly three times as much as the UK in 2000 to less than the UK today And if you know the Italian social system, you know how much of it is based on household savings. Middle-class parents save their whole life to buy a dwelling for their children one day. Young people stay home & save for said dwelling rather than renting, etc.
Apr 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
So the German government has now officially agreed to ditch sectoral emission reduction goals.

Does this mean that transport is now off the hook?

In the short term, maybe, in the long term I believe the opposite will happen (THREAD) In Germany as in the rest of Europe, we are reducing emissions in other sectors while not reducing them (and sometimes even increasing them) in the transport sector.

So each year transport accounts for a higher share of total emissions ⬇️
Feb 14, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Fascinating from last week

#Dortmund Police tweets that elderly woman died after being ran over twice on pedestrian crossing

Gets asked if they intend to introduce more controls / cameras

The reply is something out of a textbook on car dependence. Or on how not to do PR Image You can see the exchange for yourselves here
Nov 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The astonishingly rapid rightward & xenophobic lurch of the German political debate over the last few weeks

A THREAD to which I am afraid I will keep adding

1) 20.10.23
2) 22.10.23

The leader of the Conservatives (first in the polls) Image
Sep 20, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Every time car fuel prices go up - whether for taxes or wars - everyone seems to know exactly who suffers the most.

But which areas of Germany are most vulnerable to fuel price increases?

THREAD on my contribution to the Agora Verkehrswende & DLR report on transport poverty Image (the report is available here)…
Jun 20, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
Incredibly ill-informed take on car dependence & inequality by "the leading progressive political and cultural magazine in the United Kingdom"

DEBUNKING THREAD [disclaimer: the full article is behind paywall so I am commenting on what's in the thread. There's more than enough wrong stuff there already though]
Jun 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I am sure many people look at images like this and think about "how hard car drivers have it"

And that kind of twisted perception is one of the most mind-blowing outcomes of car dependence... 🤯 Collectively, car drivers are taking the overwhelming majority of street space in the picture, between what they are legally allowed to take and what they illegally take over.
Jun 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The problem with "market instruments" to reduce emissions. They are perceived by "economically liberal" voters as "left wing" and not "market" because they are taxes. I think we can say at the least that experts and lay people have rather different understanding of what a "market-based policy" is.

And this ambiguity is where a *lot of politics thrives*.
May 2, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Maps showing Germany (or German-speaking countries) being exceptional in Europe: an ongoing THREAD

1. The lowest share of homeowners Image 2. Among the very few places in Europe where men attend university more than women (but careful! It might actually be due to their exceptional, two-track higher education system)
May 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Good summary of how Germany got to introduce a (slightly) cheaper nationwide public transport season ticket #Deutschlandticket : more by accident, as a result of a tit-for-that between litigious coalition parties, than as part of some visionary plan This sort of measures tend to divide transport experts - no clear consensus here! Here a critical take from public transport research, which I think makes some good points
Apr 11, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
Some people have high climate emissions from transport but who are they?

In my new paper with @mmbuchs & J. Scheiner we looked into this, focusing in particular on those with high emissions from air travel but not car travel (or vice-versa)…

THREAD Image @mmbuchs My initial motivation for this study was the impression (anecdotal + from some studies) that *some* people have very low emissions from their daily travel (as they don't drive), but then *fly a lot*. And I was curious to understand better who they are
Feb 27, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
First, a German Environment Agency study estimated the impact of motorway speed limit #Tempolimit at -2MT CO2/y.

Then another UBA study found -6Mt.

Now a study commissioned by the FDP says it's more like -1Mt.

What might be going on here? (THREAD) [Disclaimer: I haven't read any of the three studies in full - this specific topic isn't something I work on. So I can't / won't get into the details. This thread is about making a point of principle on how science works & how we should debate about it]
Nov 15, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
The Swiss press is reporting about a (I assume non-peer-reviewed) study that claims to prove that cycling is more carbon-intensive than car driving 🤦‍♂️

Quick debunking THREAD time! [NB: I didn't read the full study (there is no link to it) - just commenting on what's in the news article at…]
Nov 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Scientists: [do their job in they're ivory tower]

Media: "We're not listening. Come back when you learn to communicate in plain language to the public"

Scientists: [do it]

Media: "OMG you left the ivory tower, you're not credible, why should we listen to what you say" Image From…
Oct 21, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Who's got the most cars per head in the EU? The answer might surprise you Image By the way there *is* a positive relationship between income and motorisation (R=0.44).

But most Italian regions have higher motorisation rates that you would expect for their level of income Image