Lilly Irani ( Profile picture
Prof @UCSDComm. Faculty Director, @UCSDLaborCenter, Chasing Innovation-@PrincetonUPress, Redacted-@bordertallerCA. Labor, tech, @turkopticon, ex-tech worker.
Jan 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Chat GPT's an engine that makes magnetic poetry out of clips of our language. What if writers, illustrators, musicians, Turkers receive a univ social wage to acct for training chat gpt? Or social wage for all? Or luddite mode: why not ban tech that burns the earth & deceives ppl? A response to this journalist dealing with a client who is trying to deskill him:
Feb 8, 2020 30 tweets 4 min read
I'm about to tweet a lot about @shannonmattern's talk Data Ecologies: A Green New Deal for Climate and Tech Reform. Get ready! @shannonmattern 100 companies, mostly in energy industry, are responsible for most of world's greenhouse gas emissions. Changing our consumption isn't as impactful as transforming these companies.
May 25, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
San Francisco just banned face recognition tech. The people that are actually building these technologies don't want to live in the surveillance state they're participating in building and know intimately from the inside. Are we asking the right questions about technology? Naomi Klein points to @ruha9 and @safiyanoble's work, but also points out the ways the tech industry tried to improve face recognition race bias by scraping people's creative commons photos #ica2019