Victoria Smith Profile picture Agent: @LittleHardman Email: glosswatch @
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Mar 23 4 tweets 1 min read
The worst thing about Butler, I think, isn't the pretentiousness, the bad writing, the bad ideas. I think she's cruel. > She knows the implications of the things she says and writes and doesn't just do it because she can't get out of it now (which I used to think) - it's done with an extra jab of spite, possibly the kind that comes when you have to offload shame >
Dec 23, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Women who've stood up to gender ideology have had years of "look, I don't think *you're* evil, you're just a silly woman under the sway of evil people making you believe evil things". > This article was a classic of the genre. Poor women on Mumsnet, so addled by motherhood their stupid baby brains fell prey to the wicked machinations of the far right. It's not as though they were intelligent, feminist women, thinking for themselves >…
Oct 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
There's so much that's wrong with the German government's response to Reem Alsalem's concerns about gender self-ID, but this analysis of misogyny and male violence against women is especially woeful…Image Yes, men use violence to police other men's adherence to arbitrary gender rules. That doesn't make the latter victims of misogyny or less of a risk to women / less likely to be misogynistic themselves.
Jul 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
What could disregard for the health of people who menstruate have in common with disregard for the health of those experiencing menopause or those giving birth? Nothing at all, apparently. When I had anorexia, I didn't menstruate. If the only categories we talk about are "people who menstruate" and "people who don't", this isn't an issue. Loads of perfectly healthy people don't. >
Jul 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Just Tesco, telling employees that anyone can use the ladies' toilets, even switching from day to day, and if they don't agree, they're the problem Image Their employee guidance on sex and gender also includes an *enormous* section on how you should watch your language but you'll get it wrong anyways because the rules are always changing so just apologise but not too much ...

Jul 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I think many of the 'progressive' men who are so into attacking 'terfs' right now have decided some male people aren't a threat on the basis of either a) we'd have bullied that person in school (guilt) or b) I got bullied at school and they're a bit like me (projection) > It's all about how men relate to other men, with no attempt to see it from the perspective of women, in relation to whom all males - even ones you consider low status or victims - have a physical advantage and are an unknown quantity. >
Jun 4, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I think for some men on the left, the worst thing to be is low-status in relation to other males. They fear it, and think women couldn't possibly understand it because they are so low down as to be off the charts. > That's why they like the idea that some male people are women - this "proves" there's something manly about them that goes beyond mere anatomy - and why they think women who don't buy this are incredibly mean and privileged. >
Apr 14, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
This morning I found myself getting much more annoyed about the Cass report and the treatment of feminists over trans issues than I've allowed myself to feel before (I don't think I'm alone in this). The trigger was something incredibly trivial. > I saw a news report which mentioned an author visiting a conference near me. It wasn't an author who'd been particularly horrible to me or anyone else. It was just someone who'd once tweeted, as one does, in that arse-covering way, that they were really sad about mean terfs >
Aug 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In years to come, people who have knowingly supported misogyny and homophobia out of sheer cowardice will quietly adopt the views of left-wing feminists, but claim they couldn't support them earlier because the left-wing feminists were aligning themselves with fascists Feminists function as cannon fodder, holding the line you won't hold yourself because you want to be popular. Meanwhile you blame them for the open goal you've created and insist - again, through cowardice - on keeping it wide open.
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Principles such as "female bodies matter", "male inner lives aren't more special and important than female ones" and "female perceptions of male power and threat aren't arbitrary and contingent on individual male approval" are not exclusive to any one "debate". > They are basic feminism. There are women who are giving these principles away wholesale without noticing they're doing it because they tell themselves it's just "the trans debate", but it's not. You give this stuff away, you give it to *all* male people. >
Jun 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Women: <get hounded out of jobs, face death threats, deal with constant smears, require protection just to speak>
Man: "well, you got to speak, didn't you? Jeez, don't know what you're complaining about"… Image It's like an abusive partner telling you you're not being bullied or controlled because he can still "hear you whining".
Jun 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Thanks, but I think people are capable of reading the words I've actually written without my supposedly hidden intentions being "revealed". I am so sick of "what she really means is ..." This is why women get told we just need to write or speak more reasonably or politely or compassionately. Because we do it already, only it gets presented as having a hidden, unreasonable meaning.
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The gender-neutral language masks the fact that the first "people" refers to males, whose needs are pitched as universal (ability to feel like they belong). The second "people" refers to females, whose needs are pitched as trivial and mean (winning and losing). Maybe female athletes want to feel like they belong rather than be edged out because the category isn't theirs any more. But that's just mean of them. Belonging is a human - male default - need. What would the non-males know about it?
Mar 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Men shouting at women to shut up - blocking passageways, banging on windows, throwing eggs, waving banners threatening decapitation - is exactly what it looks like. It has been happening in plain sight for years, at universities, at feminist gattherings, at party conferences. The women who've talked about it have been vilified themselves on the basis that those on the right side of history wouldn't do this unless their targets were really evil and actually, it's quite prissy to care about a bit of shouting in the face of pure evil.
Mar 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
So many people see "nice" men abusing women and think not "perhaps these men aren't so nice", but "how terrible must these women be? And if these women are so terrible, maybe I should join in the abuse" Or "that proves these women are as bad as I thought and I am safe, because I'm not bad".
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Wait, I have some thoughts about this!… One of the things I look at in Hags is how positions characterised as cohort-specific ("gen X women are bigots but their views will die out with them") can really be lifecycle-specific ("older women have specific reasons for thinking femaleness matters, so we call them bigots")
Mar 2, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Because it's my publication day (and I'm obviously massively excited about this!) I thought I would list a few of the books that I found really valuable when writing Hags (also to stop me just going on about Hags all the time) > The first is Adrienne Rich's Of Woman Born, which I'm always talking about, but it's just so insightful not just on intergenerational relationships, but disidentification (or not) from the female body >…
Mar 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Calling a male rapist by male pronouns means centring the perspective of the victim and recognising the politics of male sexual violence. It's not about being petty to someone you "don't like" A feminist analysis of rape is not some indulgence we should dispense with because it's all a bit old and Judith Butler finds it boring
Feb 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"As thinkers we are unfortunately not yet think-y enough to distinguish between supporting gender non-conformity and drugging children who are gender non-conforming in order to claim they're the sex that 'matches' after all" This woolly, eyes-half-shut attempt at looking like you have a coherent, evidence-based argument is really depressing. Because you sense people know that they don't, that they're not really supporting non-conformity, and that they have to pretend really hard to deny it.
Dec 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
We're meant to think how a 16yo feels about gender and their body is completely unrelated to how traumatic puberty is and how many pornified, negative messages teenage girls receive, how much harassment they suddenly encounter, and how teenage boys behave How you feel about being female is obviously related to what you are told being female *is*. I don't think teenagers invent feeling deeply distressed, but in an incredibly sexist world, why would their understanding of what women are be infallible?
Dec 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I think there are women who've absorbed the idea that female difference = female inferiority so much that it's only by denying difference and pretending people who aren't female are more disadvantaged that they can feel powerful. It's that "what if female people aren't discriminated against, but are just losers?" anxiety. So you hate feminists because they seem to draw attention to that "loser status" that you, through sheer force of will, are transcending.