Dan Silverman (@dmsilverman.bsk*.social) Profile picture
Asst Prof of PSCI at @cmist_cmu. @osupolisci PhD. Int’l Security, Political Psychology, Middle East. Likes and RTs not necessarily endorsements.
Aug 19 32 tweets 11 min read
OK, it's time to talk about Egypt.

The thwarted DoJ investigation into an alleged $10 million Egyptian bribe to Trump in 2016-17 has gotten attention on here

But I haven’t seen any discussion of the wider *context* of U.S. foreign policy toward Egypt, and why it matters 🧵(1/n) Context: Egypt has been a strong U.S. ally for decades, ever since the country made peace with Israel in 1979 -- the first Arab state to do so...

Since then, the U.S. has given Egypt billions in military aid (2nd most after Israel) & had close ties to its ruling generals. (2/n) Image
Nov 1, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Are Gaza's official fatality numbers reliable -- and what can they tell us about *who* is being killed in the war?

To find out, I analyzed the data from the Gazan Ministry of Health (Moh) statistically with @Michael_Spagat. Key findings below 🧵

aoav.org.uk/2023/are-the-g… Context:

Last Thursday, Biden heaped skepticism on the official Gazan fatality numbers, sparking a political firestorm.

In response, Gaza's MoH released a detailed document listing the name, ID #, sex, and age of each of the 7028 fatalities at the time.

Nov 23, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Great to see my new article with @HuangReyko and Benjamin Acosta at @ISQ_Jrnl.

We examine rebel leaders' pre-leadership international experiences and how they help leaders obtain external support during rebellion.

A 🧵on study, new database, & results

doi.org/10.1093/isq/sq… Motivation: While there is a wealth of research on how *state* leaders matter in IR and Poli Sci more generally, there is little on how the attributes and experiences of *rebel* leaders influence world politics. We aim to help fill this gap.