Director @OpenSociety Migration Initiative. Father of two wonderful boys. Writer. Strategist. White-knuckle optimist. Proud son of Greek immigrants.
Jul 19, 2020 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
To control the pandemic, we MUST work with immigrant communities, gain their trust, speak their language.
A slew of reports in recent days show how contract tracing is failing because we're not doing this.
Here are five stories. 1/6
2/6🔹Immigrant organizations said Maine was slow to offer testing, provide bilingual contact tracers and invest in immigrant organizations that know the communities best. Much of the initial funding went to mostly white-led organizations.
Amid the crush of news today, I'd like to take a moment to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the #RefugeeActof1980, a monumental feat of bipartisan effort that cemented the US as a leader in resettling refugees fleeing violence and persecution. 1/7
"It's not just about refugees, it's about who we are," says @HIASrefugees President & CEO @MarkJHetfield. Ronald Reagan echoed this: "More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands." 2/7