🌲Roelof Pieters ☀️ Profile picture
CTO & cofounder @overstoryai | Working with nature & AI against #forestfires 🔥 #deforestation 🌲| previously #OSH at Sunshine Lab ☀️| Amsterdam #climatechange
Apr 11, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
One of the most troubling paragraphs in the recent IPCC report is the suggestion to keep burning fossil fuel longer b/c carbon capture and storage (CCS) so gas & oil companies can keep making money on these "stranded assets" (est. 1-4 trillion $). Problem #1: Shell, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, etc all pledged to zero out their carbon emissions by 2050 but at the same time _keep_ exploring new fields. Most of them are actually increasing fossil fuel production. The dream of CCS will only intensify this. grist.org/accountability…
Apr 9, 2022 7 tweets 7 min read
@MaxLenormand @Twitter oh but you can cc @MetaTreesNFT. Lets do the math:
- 1 tree planted = 1 NFT = 1 ETH transaction at avg footprint of 35 kWh/ 102.38 kg of CO2 (Dec 2021).
- 1 typical tree can absorb around 21-25 kilograms of carbon per year, but only once fully grown.
See the problem? Image @MaxLenormand @Twitter @MetaTreesNFT The problem is much larger however as
1 The science of carbon removal through trees is complicated and sequestration depends on many different factors (soil, environment, tree species, micro and macro environmental conditions, etc)
Dec 27, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Lovely bunch of drawings from Victor Papanek's Notebook (1986), first appeared in "Design for the Real World" (1971), developed further in "The Green Imperative" (1995) thread... Design is a conscious and intuitive effort to impose meaningful order.