How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App whose concern about the change to IBR is that it will be a government subsidy to universities should be ardently opposed to 529/ESAs, which provide significant government subsidies for university education for high-income families. response asserts that many of these County committees are not required by the Open Meetings Act to post agendas and minutes online. For some BCCs, it notes that these materials were available in locations that I simply did not find using the County's websites and google. I'm looking forward to reading Jaehee Song's other work, including "Exclusionary Zoning Practices in Response to Transportation Developments" the listening session with Planning staff that I attended, many Woodside and Woodside Park homeowners claimed that allowing duplexes would destroy their neighborhoods. They often feel more comfortable expressing this as a concern about "livability."'ll start by replicating the above figure using IPUMS-CPS data, to show that I am interpreting the basic data in the same way. at prime-age (25-54) LFP rates by age of youngest own child in the household (0-5, 6-12, 13-17), I see significant drops for all mothers. an AEA panel several years ago that @bencasselman organized (@HistDem was on the panel), Raj Chetty remarked that removing public data access isn't a big deal since much of the best research (i.e., published in "top 5" journals) already uses restricted data. appears to consider these workers far beneath him, but this is a broader problem for many economists.