Mike Shelby | Do Your Area Study Profile picture
Former Intelligence NCO & contractor. OEF & OIF. Interests: Winning low intensity conflict.
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Jan 30 8 tweets 3 min read
On the night of July 14, 1789, King Louis XVI received word that a mob in Paris had seized the Bastille.

Unfazed, he went to bed early despite the pleas of his advisor to take it seriously.

"Is this just a rebellion?" the King asked.

"No, sire. This is a revolution."

A short 🧵on why you should care.Image 2. After yesterday's thread on intra-elite conflict and where it leads -- state breakdown and civil war -- I read the tired, predictable responses downplaying the risk of a domestic conflict.

Here's what these people don't understand... Image
Jan 29 17 tweets 5 min read
HOW CIVIL WARS START: Here's the background on what's happening in the Trump administration right now.

This is the biggest development since the 2020 coup.

🧵Image 2. Yesterday, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directed federal agencies to pause all federal grants and loans, and conduct a comprehensive review of all federal financial assistance programs.

This isn't just budget cuts. It's a war over institutional control.
Jan 21 16 tweets 3 min read
A thread on Far Left riots and insurrection 🧵

A lot of people predicted Far Left / Antifa riots and insurgency if Trump won the November election. Then nothing happened.

Then the riots were coming once Trump was inaugurated. Nothing happened again.

So what did happen? 1/x 2. Before we break this down, kudos to those who got it dead wrong and are now reflecting on why.

As a guy who said there would be no Antifa riots after the election and inauguration, I can explain why nothing happened.
Oct 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
i'm finally digging into this DoD Directive 5240.01, which is an update from 2007.

and, uh, this actually goes way deeper than anyone else is covering. Image i'll give you part of the cliff's notes:

this directive expressly permits defense intelligence components to conduct covert activities inside the united states -- under title 50 authorization -- if approved by president biden.
May 20, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Can you imagine a foreign-backed ethno-nationalist group attempting to establish a separatist homeland in the Southern U.S.?

And NOT hearing about it in the media?

Well, do I have a story for you.

🧵👇 Officials from the U.S.-based Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika (PG-RNA) are seeking diplomatic recognition with Burkina Faso, a junta-run West African country. Image
Apr 22, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
for those who missed it last week, the A15 "day of action" is just the latest iteration from groups also involved in 2020.

as paul harvey would say, here's the rest of the story...

🧵👇 A15 is actually a reprise of efforts from antifa and the far left revolutionary class we saw in 2020.

these activists and militants were making plans to oust then-President Donald Trump if he stayed in office.
Mar 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
retard “the right of the people” does not apply to illegals since they are not “the people” the founders referred to.

i am ashamed to have ever been a libertarian.
Mar 15, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Is state breakdown on the American horizon?

I ask earnestly because we know the early warning indicators.

State breakdown is when a government loses the capacity, authority, and/or legitimacy to govern, typically due to an internal crisis (or many crises).

👇🧵 There's one major early warning indicator and, of all places, Politico inadvertently identified it this morning in an article about Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH). /2 Image
Feb 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
On the importance of social clubs

During the Algerian insurgency and war for independence, the communist FLN set up social groups across the country -- everything from soccer clubs and youth groups to women's committees, farmers organizations, workers' councils, etc. /1 FLN cadres recruited leaders for the groups who were responsible for instilling pro-socialist and pro-independence ideology (and most importantly, anti-french sentiments).

in addition to creating social power, the FLN used these groups as intelligence collectors who would pass on information about french military movements and civil activities, as well as french sympathizers. /2
Feb 2, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Speaking of tunnels, I just read an incredible report that details how the U.S. army formalized anti-tunnel warfare in Vietnam.

I'll share some excerpts in this thread. Image 1. The U.S. Army had a rough go with fighting the Viet Cong's tunnel warfare strategy.

In many cases, VC would hide for three days in these jungle holes, coming out only to ambush U.S. patrols.

They were so well-hidden that soldiers would often walk right over them.
Jan 20, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
is patriot front really "all feds" ?

i guess if the first time you heard about patriot front was 2022, then i can see why you say they're all feds.

but it's wrong, and i'll explain why.

👇 i had run-ins with patriot front and associated groups in the dallas area and austin, circa 2017-2019.

i'm sure there are some federal informants and undercovers in that org (will get to this in a minute)

but i also know there are angry white kids drawn to that movement, which is the point.

there are fascist groups in the united states.

it's okay to admit that.
Sep 6, 2023 30 tweets 5 min read
I just finished reading the RICO indictment against 61 left wing activists/militants, some of whom are charged with domestic terrorism.

Here's what you need to know: 1. The 110-page indictment spends several pages on the tenets of radical anarchism: collectivism, mutual aid, social solidarity, and violence.

The description of anarchist violence is pretty milquetoast: political violence is justified due to government oppression
Aug 11, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
The grandfather father of communist guerrillas the world over -- Mao -- emphasized that small revolutionary movements can achieve victory through strategically protracted war.

📚 A thread on Leftist Revolutionary Strategy 1/x Maoist revolutionary warfare has 4 phases:

1️⃣ Organization
2️⃣ Terrorism
3️⃣ Guerrilla Warfare
4️⃣ Mobile Warfare

Let's delve into each phase. 2/x
May 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A short 🧵 on social cohesion, and how it can be developed or destroyed.

1. Social groups such as ethnic, racial, or religious groups tend to build greater social cohesion when attacked or threatened by external "other" groups (Coser 1956).

But that's not a hard rule. 2. External threats against ethnic, racial, or religious groups can cause greater social cohesion...

but threats can also BREAK social cohesion.

According to Coser's research, social consensus will determine how a group responds to a threat.
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Sometimes I see people (who should know better) poo-poo small, domestic radical or revolutionary groups, as if they're incapable of growing.

Algeria's FLN revolutionaries went from 2,000 fighters in 1954 to 130,000 /during/ eight years of fighting the French.

This is not to mention the other support gained along the way.

In addition to gaining the support of large numbers of Algerian Muslims, the FLN had /opposing/ nationalist groups fall in under the their banner.

Like a snowball rolling downhill. 2/3
Mar 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This week marks a turning point in my career.

I'll be stepping away from the DailySA at Forward Observer to focus full-time on two projects, which I'll describe below.

If you want to stay up to date with what I'm doing, I'll be writing about it here:

grayzoneactivity.com/dispatch First, some of you will remember an intelligence report I wrote from ~2016-2020 called Alt-Observer, where I tracked far left and far right groups.

I'll be bringing that back under a new name in anticipation of events surrounding the 2024 election and beyond. 2/4
Jan 5, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Violent social movements, terrorism, and popular revolutions are examples of Low Intensity Conflict -- things that are happening in the United States today. And getting worse.

Give me five minutes and I'll show you a strategy that can help us push back and win.

A thread: The current LIC started in 2011 with Occupy Wall Street and class warfare driven by the Obama admin.

Worsened in 2016-2017+ as these groups reactivated under another banner.

Hit a high water mark in 2020 with Floyd's Rebellion.

And could top that in 2024-2025 and 2028-29. /2
Feb 27, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Alright, I need a break from reading The Road. Something less depressing, so here's a thread on what I find on Russian language social media: 1. At 1515 US Central time, it's now 2315 Ukraine time (11pm). Russians are expecting heavier bombardment of Ukrainian positions overnight and are waiting to see morning footage of Uke defensive positions after overnight rocket (MLRS) attacks.
Feb 27, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A 5-point summary of the Ukraine-Russia war so far...

1. Russia has committed 50% of their total force, as of yesterday. Still looking at updated numbers. 2. Russian advances on two fronts slowed by miscommunication and tactical errors (C3), predominantly support units separating from combat units.
Feb 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Russian Assessment from Day 3
- RF military cmdrs/MoD blamed their lack of progress (eg, stalled offensive on eastern flank) on attempts at dialogue with Zelensky
- Believe Zelenksy's offer of dialogue was meant to slow Russian advance, while Uke military dug into Kiev

- RF mil was further slowed by attempts to stabilize Zaporozhye
- Afterwards, columns advanced on Mariupol and continue to clear and occupy territory to the north
- Hwy 14 east of Mariupol remains in control of Ukraine military
- A new assault is expected in the morning

Feb 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Analysts on Russian social media are asking why
- Ukrainian defensive positions haven't been destroyed by missiles and UAVs
- the Ukrainian defense headquartes hasn't been destroyed
- Russian electronic warfare isn't working
- Russia is taking "unnecessary losses" Another channel is complaining about the lack of air power and asks why Russia has not achieved air superiority yet.

Definitely a feeling on their side like this should be going better and moving faster for the Russians.

Both channels say there will be accountability for this.