Archie Bongiovanni Profile picture
Comic artist, gay disaster ✨Quick & Easy Guide To They/Them Pronouns✨Grease Bats✨Flagging 101✨History Comics: Stonewall ✨Mimosa✨Ignatz & Harvey Nominated Artist
May 24, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
I've had this convo with many people-esp this past week-so I'm putting it here too. If you're questioning your gender, your pronouns, your presentation: The act of questioning, of exploring, of asking folks to be with you while you experiment is NOT taking up/demanding space So often I witness people feel like they can't allow themselves the brain space (and especially the physical space) to ask for new names, new pronouns, to come out, or to even CONSIDER it--because by doing so it feels like you're taking something away from someone else.