Susie Green Profile picture
Mum to four wonderful kids, with a wonderful circle of family and friends. Cis trans ally fighting for trans kids and their families, she/her, all views my own
May 2 5 tweets 2 min read
17 years ago I fought the NHS to try get gender affirming care for my daughter, @JackiePieCrusts and failed. I had to take her to a specialist in Boston who then gave her the care she needed. She has said repeatedly that if I had not done that, she would not be here. I have seen this document. And I know that if I had been forced to stop Jackie’s care as is being attempted here, that it would have been a disaster. This is almost unbelievable, that our own NHS is acting with such callous disregard for trans kids. This picture tells a story. Image
Apr 14 5 tweets 2 min read
1. I feel I need to emphasise a point I made in my Medium article.

From a source inside GIDS. Since the Bell vs Tavistock judgment in December 2020, which then prompted NHS England to stop all access to care within 2 HOURS, there have been an unprecedented number of deaths. 2. Deaths of young people referred to the service and on the waiting list, being seen but then having all chance of treatment removed, or sitting in the grey area between children’s and adult services.
Apr 12, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/21 It's been nearly weeks since the high court
cleared Helen Webberley of all wrongdoing. I thought it might be interesting for some of those that were following this ongoing story for some context. From my perspective.…. 2/21 As an advocate. As a parent. As a friend. As a former charity leader, and now a member of the GenderGP team. When I first met Helen Webberley in 2015 she told me that she was going to extend her practice supporting trans adults to include trans youth. I was delighted.
Feb 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
I have news. Really exciting and positive news! I am now a part of the @GenderGP team, and am looking forward to being able to continue the work that means so much to me, alongside others who are as passionate as I am about trans rights 🧵 @GenderGP My 1st project is to work with @GenderGP to launch the fund for transgender kids to access lifesaving private medical care that would otherwise be out of reach. Public services are failing trans kids; this is a global issue with barriers to affirmative care for kids the norm